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Subscribe to updates What jobs are in demand? Get insight into 2024 employment trends & learn which professionals are hardest to hire in our report, The Demand for Skilled Talent. 2024 Salary Guide Access Robert Half’s 2024 Salary Guide & Survey, including data on salary ranges, perks and benefits, and hiring trends. Landing a job Career development Contract Careers and the Multigenerational Workforce Dive into data from Robert Half’s Multigenerational Workforce Report to discover why contract work is gaining popularity among Gen Z and Millennial professionals — and how managers can provide permanent employees with similar advantages. Leverage Employee Listening to Spark Constructive Conversations Employee listening is the process of collecting, analyzing and sharing feedback from employees. See this post from Robert Half's Kate Miller to learn more. 8 Tips for Writing a Resume The quality of your resume determines if you move on to the interview stage; without an interview, your chances of landing a job are slim to none. Check out these eight tips for writing a strong resume and boost your chances of landing the job you want. How to Write a Resume (That’s Good!) in 7 Easy Steps Want to increase your chances of landing a job interview? Apply the seven resume writing tips in this post when building your resume. Managing in Uncertain Times: Seizing Opportunities in Change In this post from Robert Half’s Managing in Uncertain Economic Times series, leaders offer guidance for capitalizing on the advantages brought by moments of change, including building resilience and cultivating future leaders with succession planning in mind. Managing in Uncertain Times: Investing in Employees In this post from Robert Half’s Managing in Uncertain Economic Times series, leaders offer guidance on prioritizing employee engagement and investing in employee training and professional development opportunities. Managing in Uncertain Times: Addressing Well-Being and Building Trust In this post from Robert Half’s Managing in Uncertain Economic Times series, leaders offer guidance on prioritizing employees’ well-being, building trust and letting them manage their own work. How to Create a Magnetic Employer Brand One of the best ways to attract top talent is by building a magnetic employer brand. Read this post to gain insights on how to make that happen.