Work-Life Balance

Find resources, tips and practical advice to successfully balance the ever-changing workplace with other priorities.

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Why should flexibility be given the top priority?

4 tips on offering remote work options Find out more about how telecommuting can make a good business case from both a retention and recruiting perspective Explore key tips regarding offering remote work options

Happiness at work: a must or unreachable ideal?

Why is happiness at work so crucial? Which role can you as an employer play?

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Salary Guide Explore salaries for different positions and trends in our Salary Guide with a focus on market outlook and fringe benefits in the Belgian labor market. Career development Management tips Interim Management: impermanent but important People rarely think of ‘interim management’ as a permanent job. All too often, the role continues to be associated with uncertainty and temporariness. Yet the majority of interim managers themselves harbour no desire whatsoever to return to a permanent role. Work with a service provider, and avoid clients who don’t pay up As a freelancer or interim manager, you may face many uncertainties. One of these is concern about being paid on time for the work you have delivered and invoiced. Undeniably, this is a great source of stress and frustration. Want to avoid this unnecessary stress and wasted effort? Team up with a service provider for your next project. Happiness at work: a must or an unreachable ideal What does happiness at work really mean and why is it so crucial? How can you ensure that employees feel good? How to manage people in a hybrid working model Due to the corona crisis working from home has been the norm for several months. The road to a hybrid working model where part of the team works at home and part at the office seems to have begun. But how do you manage such a team? What are the pitfalls? And how do you keep employee engagement high? Using soft skills to help women close the leadership gap Executive leadership skills are evolving as younger generations start their careers and hybrid working moves into the mainstream. As part of Women’s History Month Karina Perez Galindo Noëmie Cicurel and Vanessa Sproedt-Graef from Robert Half explore why soft skills often associated with women are becoming pivotal to modern leadership. Telecommuting 101: 7 Tips for Remaining Productive When Working from Home If you’re one of the growing number of workers planning to work exclusively from home it’s important to establish a plan and discuss any potential obstacles and solutions with your manager. Here are seven suggestions to help make sure you stay productive without compromising your work-life balance. Interim management: an increasingly early career move More and more professionals are consciously choosing to work as interim managers. They are also doing this increasingly early in their careers. What do interim managers like so much about their role that is making this choice more popular than ever? How to train your staff to use artificial intelligence Learn more about how companies can train and prepare their employees to use artificial intelligence in the workplace Work/life balance Find resources, tips and practical advice to balance workplace demands with your off-the-clock life.

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