Flexible talent: Bring in skilled professionals in a flash
Quickly get the best match for your talent needs by selecting from three flexible solutions: our extensive pool of contract talent, our project sourcing professionals or our interim managers.Find your next hire
Find an office
Work with experienced recruiters in your area to find jobs or hire talent.
Access proven candidates from all experience levels.Immediately expand your capabilities across the business.Add needed skills to your team for specific periods of time – scale as needed.Find your next hire
Project sourcing professionals
As permanent employees of Robert Half Project Sourcing, our project sourcing consultants have experience working with small and midsize businesses and local and international organizations. They are familiar with different software and systems and apply their knowledge and experience to produce results for you quickly. This solution allows you to:Access a pool of contract talent that's not available in the hiring marketBenefit from continuity of talent when staffing open roles and critical or recurring projectsEasily scale up projects fast by adding experienced financial talent that knows how to hit the ground runningFind your next hireLearn more
Interim management
Enhance your business's capabilities at any time by leveraging this extensive and skilled network of interim managers.Engage specialized expertise and knowledge to support your company's expansion, restructuring, or major change initiativesObtain short-term availability for a rapid integrationBenefit from a flexible and cost efficient solutionFind your next hireLearn more
LegalLet us match you with today’s most in-demand legal positions, and highly-skilled legal minds — from paralegals to head of compliance.Legal counselCorporate M&A LawyerCompliance officerLegal managerLearn more about our Legal recruitment solutions
Hire remote talent that can hit the ground running
From temporary projects to long-term placement, we’ve got remote talent at the ready. With recruiters and proprietary AI that can pinpoint skilled candidates regardless of location, we’re ready to help you quickly set up new hires with secure virtual workstations and a seamless onboarding process.Access a larger pool of talent with virtual candidates.Find candidates at all skill and experience levels.Hire talent that’s ready to get to work, no matter their location.Learn more