Interim management: an increasingly early career move

Skills Labour market Thought leadership The future of work Career development Article
More and more professionals are consciously choosing to work as interim managers. They are also doing this increasingly early in their careers. What do interim managers like so much about their role that is making this choice more popular than ever? In the past, interim management was often mentioned in the same breath as ‘older professionals with a lot of experience’: people who needed an extra challenge and wanted to continue to use their expertise, even after retirement. Although this group still exists today, we are also seeing that professionals are starting to work as interim managers earlier and earlier in their careers. Interim management also represents a new step in the career of many professionals. Some, but not all, have been faced with restructuring or dismissal and no longer want a permanent job. Almost 9 out of 10 interim managers give their job a satisfaction score of 8 out of 10 or more. In addition, 85% say they would not return to a permanent job. In short, professionals who opt for a role as interim manager also seem to be very satisfied with their choice. What do they like so much about their job? Find out more reasons for their job satisfaction below.
Many professionals who take the step to interim management are looking for variety and challenge in their careers. They also consider independence important and do not wish to get stuck in a single company or sector. A role as interim manager gives them the flexibility they seek, as well as an opportunity to work on different projects with different teams.
Interim managers are called in to tackle specific problems or implement changes within an organisation. They are given a great deal of responsibility and can use their expertise to achieve results in the company where they are working.
Interim managers are often brought in by companies to work on specific projects. Examples include change and transformation management projects, where they ensure process continuity or devise solutions for staff. Their expertise enables them to achieve the intended results within the agreed time and resolve the existing challenges and problems.  
Professionals are increasingly embracing the role of interim manager earlier in their careers due to the flexibility they gain and the opportunity to apply their expertise. By taking on a variety of challenges and working in different environments and sectors, they can make a concrete contribution to organisations while simultaneously taking their own career to a higher level. This is very valuable for people who still have a long career ahead of them.
Download the report on interim management and discover the profile of a Belgian interim manager, the must-have skills and expertise for interim managers, and the current trends in interim management.