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    Mentoring: The Key Ingredient for Successful Onboarding

    Corporate Culture Thought Leadership Onboarding Mentoring Management tips Article
    By Wendy Brenes, Senior Program Manager, Mentoring and Leadership Development, Robert Half Imagine this: A new hire joins your team, eager to make an impact. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and lost in a sea of information, they're paired with an experienced colleague—a “buddy” who guides them through their first weeks and months. This mentor shares insider knowledge, answers questions and provides support that goes beyond what's in the employee handbook. According to research from Robert Half, 35% of companies are currently developing or enhancing mentoring programs as a strategy to secure and build talent within the organization. But many are not maximizing its benefits at the very beginning of an employee’s tenure. Mentoring enables new team members to learn the ropes from experienced employees while also offering fresh perspectives to their mentors. This mutual benefit creates stronger bonds within and to the organization, directly contributing to improved retention rates.

    Easing the transition

    Making a positive impression on new employees can pay real dividends in long-term employee engagement and retention. Because let's face it: onboarding can be an uncertain and even vulnerable time for a new employee. They are assessing every interaction, every connection and every communication to determine this is the right role and place for them. They’re observing the company and team culture, evaluating if both align with their personal values. They may be questioning if the work they’re doing aligns with their understanding of the role presented during the interview process. Some are afraid to ask questions or may feel isolated, particularly in remote work environments. Other common hurdles include:
  • Information overload: New hires often feel bombarded with policies, procedures, trainings and expectations. A mentor can break down complex information into digestible chunks, provide context and real-world examples.
  • Company Culture integration: Understanding the unwritten rules and norms of a workplace takes time, and a mentor can speed up the process with personalized guidance on navigating the nuances of company culture.
  • Skill gaps: There's often a disconnect between theoretical knowledge and practical application. An onboarding mentor can help bridge the gap between classroom learning and on-the-job performance.
  • How to implement an effective mentoring program

    I’m really proud of the work we’re doing with Robert Half’s mentoring program, especially our workplace peer program that connects new hires or newly transitioned employees to a colleague who can help acclimate them to the company and local team culture as well as giving them the opportunity to build their internal network.  These workplace peers are people who embrace our company culture, are interested in new employees’ success and are already well-networked within the company. We also encourage our employees to become a certified Robert Half mentor through short, interactive online trainings. If you’re ready to harness the power of mentoring in your onboarding process, I can share some practical tips.
  • Choose mentors wisely: Look for employees who are not just high performers and leaders, but also possess strong communication and interpersonal skills. Robert Half’s workplace peers are people who embrace our corporate culture, are interested in new employees’ success and are already well-networked with the company. In addition, being asked to mentor is a valuable form of recognition for their dedication to the organization.
  • Provide structure: Set clear goals and expectations for the mentoring relationship. Consider creating a mentoring agreement or checklist.
  • Identify successful partnerships. I often connect new hires with someone who has similar work experiences or common interests. They don’t need to perform the same job function but if they are job function-adjacent they will share a general understanding of the role and impact they each have.
  • Foster regular communication: Encourage mentors and mentees to meet regularly, whether in person or virtually.
  • Offer training: Provide mentors with guidance on effective mentoring techniques and best practices to build their confidence in the role. We encourage those interested in our Workplace Peer Program to become certified Robert Half Certified mentors through short, interactive online trainings; You should consider the same for your mentoring program.
  • Measure success: Track key metrics like new hire retention rates, time to productivity, and employee satisfaction to gauge the impact of your mentoring program.
  • The ripple effect of mentoring

    The benefits of mentoring extend far beyond the initial onboarding period. Mentoring creates a workplace culture of continuous learning and support. It's not just about getting new hires up to speed—it's about fostering long-term growth and development. By implementing a mentoring program, you're not just improving onboarding—you're investing in the future of your organization. You're creating a pipeline of knowledgeable, engaged employees who are more likely to stay and grow with your company. Ready to transform your onboarding process and set your new hires up for success? Here's how to get started: 1.    Assess your current onboarding program. Where could mentoring make the biggest impact? 2.    Identify potential mentors within your organization. 3.    Develop a basic framework for a mentoring program. 4.    Start small—pilot the program with your next new hire. Once a mentoring relationship is established, you can offer support as needed. At the midpoint of the program, inquire if the mentor and mentee are seeing value from their collaboration and encourage them to assess what adjustments need to be made to make it even more impactful. As the relationship comes to a close, invite each to reflect on their experience and how they would like their relationship to continue moving forward. Often, mentor and mentees will keep in touch on a more informal basis. If possible, show your appreciation by leveraging company recognition programs for mentors.