The Hong Kong IT industry is changing.

With the rise of robotics, automation and an increasingly digital working environment, it’s estimated according to Dell that as many as 85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yet.

For IT departments across Hong Kong, technological advancements mean that new roles are constantly being created. This can be challenging for hiring managers, but it can also be an opportunity.

Both local and international companies looking to stay ahead of the curve in a competitive market need to be aware of what future IT jobs in Hong Kong will be in-demand.

Be prepared for change

Knowledge is power.

Preparing for the roles of the future gives companies a unique opportunity to secure an exclusive talent pipeline or start upskilling existing staff.

If those IT jobs already exist within your Hong Kong organisation, businesses can know what key areas to focus on as part of their staff retention strategies.

Continuous technological disruption in the workplace is a given. Rather than waiting and reacting to change, hiring managers should plan ahead to avoid a future war for talent.

Planning for the future

As robotics, automation and data storage continue to be key areas of focus for digital transformation, it’s no coincidence that new and emerging roles of the future specialise in these areas.

To build a more adaptive and future-ready workforce, hiring managers need to understand what these roles involve, why they have emerged – and ensure these future IT jobs in Hong Kong form part of their organisational structure.

According to a survey of leading CIOs across Hong Kong, these are the top emerging roles for IT professionals due to technological advancement:

1. Robotic Software Engineer

According to a Pew Research Center report, robotics will form part of almost all industries that affect our daily life – be it healthcare, customer service or transportation – by 2025.

Robotic software engineers will design and code software solutions that power autonomous robots. They will help bring robots into the workplace to perform duties more safely, easily and efficiently than humans can; and will be responsible for designing, planning and testing these machines.

Robotics software engineers typically have advanced technical skills in ROS, Gazebo, Modern C++ and other robotic software engineering technologies.

2. Cloud Builder/Cloud Computing Engineer

Cloud computing continues to offer reduced business costs, scalability, flexibility and increased efficiency, and will be a core service area for businesses.

According to research by Robert Half, 35% of CIOs in Hong Kong believe the Cloud Builder will be an emerging role in the market. Furthermore, over half of technology professionals surveyed by SolarWinds said that cloud and hybrid IT is their organisation's most important IT strategy today.

Cloud experts with the ability to assess a business’s infrastructure and migrate their different functions to a cloud-based system will be in high demand. Key skills to look out for when hiring for cloud engineers include software development experience and prior knowledge of programming languages such as Java, C++ and Python.

3. Information Security Specialist

As businesses increasingly rely on varied and connected online systems, the risk to their confidential commercial information is also growing. Breaches of security can have serious consequences for both businesses and their customers.

Information security specialists will develop and implement security measures that help protect digital information. Their responsibilities will include auditing the security of computer systems, promoting organisational awareness and training on security protocols, and implementing and maintaining security policies.

Ideal candidates should have prior experience with information security or a related field of expertise. Soft skills such as project management and interpersonal skills will be needed due to the extensive reach that information security will have across a company’s network.

4. Chief Data Officer

While the role of Chief Data Officer has been around since 2002, it has only come to prominence recently as increasingly sophisticated software systems and storage solutions are allowing businesses to gather more data than ever before. In fact, 28% of CIOs in Hong Kong believe that the Chief Data Officer is an emerging role in the market for IT professionals.

The Chief Data Officer oversees a company’s strategy and responsibilities for the storage, governance and use of data. According to, strong candidates for the role should have good people skills, as well as prior leadership experience over a data analytics team.

5. Automation Expert

Automation has moved far beyond manufacturing, with areas such as business, healthcare and finance looking for ways to streamline their operations through automated processes. From QA testing to service delivery, the future need for automation experts is not slowing down.

According to, automation experts (or engineers) will be charged with identifying and eliminating challenges with software development and improving customer service processes.

Ideal candidates for the role should have extensive prior knowledge of programming languages and practical experience with operating systems. Stakeholder management will be a key soft skill as the role requires collaboration with various departments.

Hiring for future IT jobs in Hong Kong

While some of tomorrow’s technology roles in Hong Kong already exist today, a future talent pipeline needs to be established to avoid competing in an already skills short market.

Companies can maximise return by ensuring they upskill or recruit for skills that complement the innovative benefits that digital transformation continues to bring.

As technology recruitment specialists, Robert Half can help you find the right talent for your team. Talk to us about your hiring needs today.

The research statistics are based on an annual study developed by Robert Half and conducted by an independent research firm, surveying CIOs in Hong Kong. This survey is part of an international workplace survey, a questionnaire about job trends, talent management and trends in the workplace.