Vlerick Business School - Advanced Mastering Interim Management | Robert Half

Vlerick Business School - Advanced Mastering Interim Management (AMIM)

Interim managers have a distinct role to perform in assisting an organization through transformation or crisis and lead it to recovery. Once you have successfully completed “Mastering Interim Management”, this follow-up program is an excellent choice to further enhance your skill set and broaden your network. On this four-day program, you’ll expand your knowledge and confidence of digital strategy, crisis management and building trust and influence.


Gain a deep understanding of crisis management, digital strategy and the impact of technology Participate in premium networking events (REN – Robert Half Executive Network, solely for alumni of the MIM & AMIM programs) Opportunity to network and share your experiences with other interim managers Stay ahead of the curve by developing trust and influence with internal and external partners

For whom?

Who completed the Mastering Interim Management, Leading Change or Strategy Excellence programs Who like to expand their knowledge and skill set, and build their professional and personal relationships Need more information? Discover the detailed program.

Subscribe online and take advantage of a €600 discount

To do so, please mention “Registration via Robert Half” in the comments zone of the Vlerick registration form. Register


Program Manager Robert Half

Email Jan Vandenbussche Jan Vandenbussche | 02 416 22 22