Lease Administrator in Long Island, NY

Lease Administrator Job Description

A lease administrator is generally found in a real estate practice or in a commercial property management company. The duties and responsibilities of this specialist include creating leases from templates; tracking leases through the process; ensuring compliance with county, state, and federal regulations for landlords and tenants; reviewing leases and verifying related documents for proper execution; abstracting leases into a database; and maintaining data integrity. Preferred candidates typically have worked as an administrator or office manager before, preferably in a law firm or corporate law department, and have experience managing personnel, benefits, payroll, vendor relationships and financials. Postsecondary education and experience in retail leasing or retail or commercial property development are also preferred. Excellent computer and organizational skills are required.

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Salary for Lease Administrator in Long Island, NY
73438 - 114375
25th percentile
The candidate is new to the role and building the needed skills, experience and autonomy.
50th percentile
The candidate has the experience to perform core responsibilities without direct supervision and is comfortable with the role’s processes and subject matter.
75th percentile
The candidate delivers value beyond the stated job duties, has advanced qualifications and experience, and is ready for the next career level.
Projected salaries for related positions Position title 25th percentile 50th percentile 75th percentile Lease Manager 90625 112500 131563 Lease Assistant 59688 71250 79375 Patent Agent 98750 117188 138125 Title Closer 50313 61563 67813
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