Adaptive Working

Keep up with the latest workforce trends and find ways to stay connected and productive in the work-from-anywhere world.

Solving Unintended Challenges of a Flexible Workforce    [00:06]:  Remote. Hybrid. On-site or off. The widespread moves to let employees choose when, where and how they work best … is working.   [00:14]:  Not only have businesses reported gains in retention, staff morale, work-life balance and better candidate choices. Employees empowered with flexible work have noted greater or similar job satisfaction — even when clocking more hours.  [00:29]:  But dig deeper, and you may see some issues breaking through your flexible work foundation.  [00:34]:  You wouldn’t be the only one. In an early-2023 survey, hiring managers noted concerns with ensuring growth opportunities and improving collaboration and productivity.  So how can you fill these cracks before they become chasms?   [00:47]:  First, let’s look at the potential disconnect between employers and employees when it comes to on-site vs. remote workers. Is there equal opportunity for advancement? More than 8 of 10 hiring managers think so.  [01:00]:  On the flip side, a significant percentage of employees expressed concern about potential for career advancement. It’s a challenge that puts employee retention at risk.  [01:10]:  To combat this, hiring managers recommended that workers prioritize regular conversations with their bosses about what promotions or project assignments may be possible — and what type of career path they want.  [01:21]:  Then there’s the collaboration challenge. Some remote employees are happy to clock more hours — but what if a short- or longer-term return to the office is needed?  [01:30]:  Many companies are working harder to make a trip to the office much more than it used to be.  Strategies include free meals and commuter benefits. Prioritizing one-on-one talks while on-site. Even wrapping in-office work around larger meetings, brainstorm sessions, team celebrations or social events.    [01:48]:  Remote. Hybrid. On-site or off. Use these tips to help ensure your employees — no matter where or how they work — feel valued and remain ready and willing to contribute.  [01:58]:  Get the data and insights that can drive your hiring or career to new heights with the Salary Guide From Robert Half. 

10 recognition ideas for a hybrid workforce

Explore new ideas to help recognize and retain employees See how to celebrate key contributors whether they work in the office or remotely

Get the guide for future-proofing your workforce

Explore eight essential strategies for leveraging the current market for your company and employees. See why remote work has increased professionals’ work-life balance and given companies access to a geographically broader talent base.

Dive deeper

What jobs are in demand? Get insight into 2024 employment trends & learn which professionals are hardest to hire in our report, The Demand for Skilled Talent. 2024 Salary Guide Access Robert Half’s 2024 Salary Guide & Survey, including data on salary ranges, perks and benefits, and hiring trends. Career development Management tips Turning the Tables: 8 Questions to Ask an Employer in an Interview Interviewing for a job? The employer isn’t the only one who should ask good questions. Here are eight questions to ask in an interview. 5 Post-Pandemic Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them Times have changed, and you need to prepare yourself. Discover some of the post-pandemic interview questions you can expect to be asked today. Navigating the Cybersecurity Skills Gap How can employers ease the cybersecurity skills gap and build a team ready to work with AI? Get answers in this post from Robert Half’s Jim Johnson. Why and How Companies Need to Start Developing Tech Talent for the Future of Work Learn why developing future-fit tech talent is a business imperative in this post from Robert Half’s Ryan Sutton. 12 Great Interview Questions to Ask Potential Employees You’ve reviewed resumes and selected the job candidates you want to meet. Now, start using these 12 great interview questions to ask potential employees! 5 Ways to Develop Your Workplace Collaboration Skills If you aim to become a consummate collaborator in your workplace, these five strategies will help. Discover what they are, and get additional tips for success, in this post. AI and the Multigenerational Workforce In Part One of a three-part series exploring the multigenerational workforce, learn more about AI and how professionals from different generations perceive and use it. More Finance Functions Are Embracing Cloud Technology: Here’s Why The cloud is becoming harder for finance leaders to ignore. Even if you’re unsure whether cloud-based technologies are right for your organization, exploring the option to determine what benefits your business might realize from making the transition is still worthwhile. This post explains why.

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