It’s not always a comfortable situation having to say no to someone. In fact, it’s a skill that many people would rather not think about.
But in real-world situations, you will have to give it some thought if someone asks you for a job reference — especially if you don’t immediately feel good about the request. Make sure you think through your response carefully, to avoid causing any upset or offense. If you’re unsure how to actually get to the point of declining the reference request, here are some things to consider saying, along with some tips to help make it easier:
When you don’t know the person well enough, it can be tempting to just ignore the request. However, make sure you respond promptly, so they have time to formulate another plan. To turn them down politely, you could write: “I’m sorry, I don’t feel I have worked with you long enough to provide you with an accurate and thorough recommendation, but I wish you all the best with your job hunt.”
If you know the person well, but feel you can’t give a positive recommendation, you should explain that you don’t think you’re the right person to do it. Where possible, respond to the request in writing. This will give you a chance to pick your words carefully. Be clear and concise, so you don’t allow any room for them to persuade you otherwise.
Be professional — there’s no need to be negative, and this isn’t the right time to highlight all their shortcomings. Here’s an example of what you could write: “I don’t think I am the best person to write you a recommendation, but I’m sure you’ll find someone much better suited to the task.”
If you can’t provide a reference due to company policies, explain that to them. They’ll understand your hands are tied. If you feel bad about saying no, perhaps ask if there is anything else you could do to help them. For example, you could offer to let them know about any relevant job opportunities you may encounter, read over their resume, or provide some career advice. Here’s a suggested response you could write: “I’m sorry, but it’s our company policy not to write recommendations. I hope you understand. If there’s anything else I could do to help, please let me know.”
Knowing how to decline a job reference request — and saying no in other situations — is an important skill and one that is vital to master as you grow your career.
To summarize, you’re under no obligation to give a reference, so follow these three basic guidelines and do what you think is best:
Make a decision and stick with it
Formulate your reply, then promptly contact the job seeker
Always remain professional