When it comes to attracting the most highly skilled professionals in the workforce, small businesses can have a hard time competing with larger organizations that have more resources and bigger budgets.
But this doesn’t confine smaller companies to only hiring people who big corporations pass on. The savviest small business leaders know that while they may not be able to match the highest salaries that corporations provide, they can stand out and attract top talent with the employee benefits and perks they offer.
Showcase your employee benefits and perks
Even if your small business has top-notch benefits and perks, and a strong company culture and values, it won’t matter if job seekers don’t know about them. So make sure they’re visible. List them in your job postings, for starters — but don’t stop there.
Promote them on your company website and social media accounts. Explain them in detail to applicants early in the recruitment process. Make it difficult for potential employees to not know about what you provide that’s different from what large organizations can offer.
Salary is still king as far as many professionals’ top priorities go, but not by as wide a margin as in the recent past. Strategic planning and flexibility around employee benefits and perks can help make you an employer of choice among top candidates. Go outside the corporate box and get creative with your offerings to show professionals that they’d be happier working for you than for the biggest names in your industry.