Frequently asked questions
What are some implementation strategies for flexible working?
A degree of technology may be needed to offer remote working to staff — you will need to be able to contact them throughout the day while they’re at home. This can be achieved through basic means, such as email, telecommuting or via an instant messaging app or platform. Some companies may also choose to use project management software with digital ticketing systems which make job progress tracking and communication more effective.
Flexible working can be offered through something as simple as allowing staff to shift their working day by a few hours, either by coming in early and finishing early or vice versa. Some staff may even prefer to work from home at the weekend rather than a weekday. Expectations and guidelines surrounding this can be outlined in employee contracts.
What are some common flexible working arrangements?
Flexible work arrangements may include: job sharing, remote work, hybrid work, part-time work, compressed hours, flexitime, annualised hours, staggered hours or phased retirement.
Is remote working a form of flexible working?
Flexible working is a broad term that encompasses any work arrangement that deviates from the traditional, full-time office schedule. It focuses on providing employees with more control over when, where, and how they work.
Remote working is a specific type of flexible work arrangement where employees perform their duties from a location outside of a traditional office setting, often from home.
Are there disadvantages of flexible working that I should be aware of?
Without a clear separation between work and personal space, it can be difficult for some employees to "switch off" mentally while working from home, which can lead to burnout and decreased well-being.
For some employees, working remotely can lead to feelings of isolation and a lack of social interaction with colleagues. Building a sense of community and fostering virtual team building activities can help mitigate this.
Another factor is when employees work remotely, there's an increased risk of data breaches or cyber-security issues. Businesses need to ensure proper security measures are in place for remote workers.
What are compressed working hours?
Compressed working hours, also referred to as a compressed workweek, is a specific type of flexible work arrangement.
It allows employees to condense their work hours into fewer days, offering them more flexibility in how they structure their work and personal lives. For example, an employee might work a compressed schedule with four 10-hour days from home.
What are some good reasons to reduce working hours?
Reduced working may not be suitable for all industries or type of jobs, but some good reasons to reduce the working hours are improved work-life balance, better morale, increased productivity, and reduced absenteeism.
However, some important consequences on the other side to consider include potential reduced business output, operational challenges, communication roadblocks, and difficulty managing large-scale projects with multiple stakeholders.