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    24 résultats pour Specialiste Des Ressources Humaines

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    Notre client, une entreprise internationale dans le domaine alimentaire, est à la recherche d'un Spécialiste des relations de travail pour rejoindre son équipe à St-Hyacinthe. En tant que Spécialiste des relations de travail, vous serez chargé de conseiller et de soutenir les gestionnaires en matière de gestion des relations de travail, d'assurer le climat de travail favorable dans l'usine et de maintenir l'intégrité des dossiers des employés.


    • Conseiller et soutenir les gestionnaires en matière de gestion des relations de travail

    • Appliquer et interpréter les conventions collectives

    • Agir en tant que point de contact entre l'exécutif syndical, son conseiller permanent et l'employeur

    • Représenter l'employeur en tant que membre des comités de relations industrielles et de griefs

    • Gérer les demandes de renseignements quotidiennes en matière de ressources humaines et y répondre de manière adéquate

    • Assurer le maintien et l'intégrité des dossiers des employés

    • Gérer les dossiers SST

    • Créer et mettre à jour les dossiers des employés dans les systèmes de gestion des ressources humaines

    • Participer au développement des activités et des projets en ressources humaines

    • Contribuer à maintenir la sécurité du produit en adoptant des comportements répondant aux exigences définies

    • Effectuer d'autres tâches connexes selon les besoins

    Avantages du poste:

    • Salaire de base + Boni;
    • Quatre semaines de vacances + 12 jours fériés;
    • Assurances collectives;
    • REER avec contribution employeur;
    • Programme d'aide aux employés;
    • Possibilités d'évolution;
    • Stationnement sur place;
    • Congé lors de son anniversaire

    Exigences du poste:

    • Avoir au moins 5 ans d'expérience dans le domaine des relations de travail en milieu manufacturier;
    • Posséder une connaissance approfondie des griefs syndicaux.
    • Bilinguisme: compétences en français et anglais pour communiquer efficacement avec les partenaires en Ontario et aux États-Unis;
    • Mode 100% présentiel avec horaire flexible
    Robert Half est la première et la plus grande firme de solutions de gestion des talents spécialisées au monde, qui met en relation des chercheurs d'emploi hautement qualifiés avec des opportunités au sein de grandes entreprises. Nous offrons des solutions de placement contractuel, temporaire et permanent dans les domaines de la finance et de la comptabilité, des technologies, du marketing et de la création, et du soutien administratif et à la clientèle. Robert Half vous met dans la meilleure position pour réussir. Nous vous donnons accès aux meilleurs emplois, à une rémunération et à des avantages sociaux compétitifs, ainsi qu'à des formations en ligne gratuites. Restez au courant de toutes les opportunités, peu importe où vous êtes - même en déplacement. Téléchargez l'application Robert Half et postulez en un seul clic, recevez des notifications instantanées pour des emplois proposés par l'IA, et plus encore. Des questions? Communiquez avec le bureau de votre région au 1.888.490.4154. Tous les candidats répondant à des offres d’emploi au Canada doivent être autorisés à y travailler. Seules les descriptions de postes situés au Québec apparaissent en français.​ © Robert Half, 2025. Numéro de permis du Québec AP-2000503. En cliquant sur « Postuler maintenant », vous acceptez les conditions d’utilisation de Robert Half.

    24 résultats pour Specialiste Des Ressources Humaines

    Spécialiste relations de travail <p>Notre client, une entreprise internationale dans le domaine alimentaire, est à la recherche d'un Spécialiste des relations de travail pour rejoindre son équipe à St-Hyacinthe. En tant que Spécialiste des relations de travail, vous serez chargé de conseiller et de soutenir les gestionnaires en matière de gestion des relations de travail, d'assurer le climat de travail favorable dans l'usine et de maintenir l'intégrité des dossiers des employés.</p><p><br></p><p>Responsabilités</p><p>• Conseiller et soutenir les gestionnaires en matière de gestion des relations de travail</p><p>• Appliquer et interpréter les conventions collectives</p><p>• Agir en tant que point de contact entre l'exécutif syndical, son conseiller permanent et l'employeur</p><p>• Représenter l'employeur en tant que membre des comités de relations industrielles et de griefs</p><p>• Gérer les demandes de renseignements quotidiennes en matière de ressources humaines et y répondre de manière adéquate</p><p>• Assurer le maintien et l'intégrité des dossiers des employés</p><p>• Gérer les dossiers SST</p><p>• Créer et mettre à jour les dossiers des employés dans les systèmes de gestion des ressources humaines</p><p>• Participer au développement des activités et des projets en ressources humaines</p><p>• Contribuer à maintenir la sécurité du produit en adoptant des comportements répondant aux exigences définies</p><p>• Effectuer d'autres tâches connexes selon les besoins</p> Spécialiste à la Paie <p>Notre client, une entreprise d’envergure mondiale, est présentement à la recherche d’un(e) Spécialiste à la Paie pour rejoindre son équipe. Sous la supervision du Directeur Ressources Humaines, la personne titulaire de ce poste sera responsable de supporter et d'effectuer l’ensemble des activités reliées au cycle de la paie pour les employés canadiens, en plus des activités comptables qui s’y rattachent. Elle aura la charge de la bonne saisie des données et du partage efficace des informations.</p><p><br></p><p>Ce poste est idéal pour quelqu’un qui cherche un environnement de travail dynamique et coopératif. L’entreprise prend soin de ses employés et son taux de rétention est excellent. Elle offre également la possibilité de faire du TÉLÉTRAVAIL 3 JOURS / SEMAINE. </p><p><br></p><p>TÂCHES :</p><p><br></p><p>Pour tous les employés canadiens :</p><p><br></p><p>• Collecte et envoie les informations relatives à la paie au fournisseur de paie</p><p>• Recevoir, analyser et vérifier les documents relatifs à la préparation de la paie;</p><p>• Traiter des modifications de paies et de dossiers d’employés (création, terminaison, transfert, changement d’horaire);</p><p>• Assurer le suivi des dossiers de terminaison et de réactivation des employés</p><p>• Faire le suivi des périodes de probation des employés</p><p>• Préparer les relevés d’emploi et compléter les formulaires d’enquêtes du bureau d’assurance emploi;</p><p>• Assurer un suivi proactif de la cédule des formations obligatoires et de l’assiduité générale en collaboration avec le département de la production;</p><p>• Inscrire les employés aux assurances et REER et faire les modifications quand nécessaire</p><p>• Envoyer les rapports demandés par la comptabilité, le service RH et le syndicat</p><p>• Répondre aux questions et demandes provenant des employés, des gestionnaires et des organismes externes en ce qui concerne les données relatives à la paie du personnel syndiqué;</p><p>• Contribuer à maintenir la sécurité du produit en adoptant des comportements répondant aux exigences définies</p> Généraliste en ressources humaines <p>Notre client, une entreprise de fabrication située à St-Hyacinthe, est à la recherche d'un Généraliste en ressources humaines pour rejoindre leur équipe. Dans ce rôle, vous serez chargé de gérer diverses tâches administratives et opérationnelles, y compris la gestion des relations avec les employés, l'administration des avantages et la coordination des initiatives de formation.</p><p><br></p><p>Responsabilités:</p><p><br></p><p>• Administrer les avantages des employés, y compris l'inscription, la mise à jour des données et la création de rapports.</p><p>• Gérer le processus de recrutement, y compris la publication des postes, le dépistage des candidats, la planification des entretiens et la communication avec les gestionnaires d'embauche.</p><p>• Gérer le processus de résiliation, y compris la conduite des entretiens de départ et la production de lettres de confirmation.</p><p>• Servir de point de contact pour les relations de travail, répondre aux demandes concernant les politiques et procédures, et conseiller la direction sur la résolution appropriée des problèmes de relations avec les employés.</p><p>• Assurer la conformité avec les lois et règlements pertinents en matière d'emploi, y compris les directives et politiques sur l'égalité d'emploi.</p><p>• Identifier les besoins de formation, élaborer et mettre en œuvre le plan de formation en collaboration avec le service des ressources humaines.</p><p>• Surveiller le respect des politiques internes et des normes juridiques.</p><p>• Traiter les griefs des employés, en accord avec les contrats syndicaux.</p> Responsable de la paie <p>Nous recherchons un responsable de la paie bilingue pour rejoindre une entreprise de Quebec. Vous travaillerez sous la supervision du directeur RH et paie et en collaboration avec un autre responsable de la paie. À titre de responsable de la paie, vous assurerez le traitement complet d'un groupe d'employés présent sur plusieurs provinces. Pari ailleurs, outre les tâches de traitement de la paie, vous serez également responsable de la comptabilité de la paie du groupe complet. Vous apporterez votre soutien dans les travaux visant l'optimisation des processus et collaborerez avec l'équipe des ressources humaines dans le traitement complet du dossier des employés. Dans ce poste, vous aurez droit à une politique flexible du télétravail, une assurance groupe et des avantages compétitifs ainsi que la participation de l'employeur à un régime collectif.</p><p><br></p><p>RESPONSABILITÉS :</p><p><br></p><p>·       Gérer le processus complet de paie pour un groupe de plus de 150 employés;</p><p>·       Traiter les déductions à la source, les avantages imposables et autres déductions et effectuer les remises;</p><p>·       Administrer les avantages sociaux, les vacances, les REER, les fonds de pension, etc. ;</p><p>·       Collaborer à la mise en place d'outils de travail plus performant et soutenir les efforts d'optimisations des processus;</p><p>·       Soutenir les fonctions ressources humaines dans les domaines de son expertise;</p><p>·       Effectuer des recherches ponctuelles relativement à son groupe de paie (subvention, formation, stage, etc.);</p><p>·       Assurer le balancement des différents comptes de GL;</p><p>·       Suivre les frais de formation pour la loi sur le développement des compétences.</p> Senior Learning & Development Specialist <p>We’re looking for a creative and technically skilled Senior Learning & Development Specialist to join a collaborative, high-performing People & Culture team. This newly created role will lead the design and development of engaging, scalable digital learning experiences that support employee growth and performance across the organization.</p><p><br></p><p>You’ll have the opportunity to shape how learning happens—building content from the ground up, leveraging technology, and partnering with teams across the business to deliver smart, modern learning solutions.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Key Responsibilities</strong></p><p><br></p><ul><li>Design and build digital learning materials including eLearning modules, training videos, job aids, and interactive guides</li><li>Lead the development and deployment of learning assets using LMS platforms (e.g. Cornerstone) and course authoring tools (e.g. Articulate)</li><li>Maintain and optimize content in the learning management system, ensuring ease of access and engagement for users</li><li>Create instructional materials such as How-To guides, process walkthroughs, and microlearning pieces</li><li>Partner with subject matter experts to identify learning needs and co-create relevant, accessible solutions</li><li>Apply instructional design and adult learning principles to ensure all content is effective and engaging</li><li>Support the creation of learning journeys for onboarding, compliance, leadership, and systems training</li><li>Monitor learning analytics and use insights to iterate and improve content over time</li><li>Contribute to broader HR and development projects as part of a supportive and collaborative team</li></ul> Compensation & Benefits Specialist We are offering a short term contract employment opportunity for a Compensation & Benefits Specialist. This role involves the administration and oversight of numerous total rewards programs. You will be instrumental in supporting staff members with various benefits-related inquiries, enrollments, plan changes, terminations, audits, and reconciliations in a multi-union environment with several Pension Plans. <br><br>Responsibilities:<br>• Assist in the development, implementation, and maintenance of total rewards programs, including salary structures, incentive plans, benefits, and pension offerings<br>• Conduct market research and benchmarking to ensure competitive compensation and benefits packages<br>• Update and maintain the master salary tables to ensure accuracy of data<br>• Contribute to the total rewards strategy and the annual total rewards proposal<br>• Process salary adjustments for economic and/or contract increases<br>• Coordinate the job evaluation processes, including educating managers and employees on the process<br>• Advise affected employees and managers of changes to salary as a result of job evaluation and update the HRIS system accordingly<br>• Provide insights and recommendations to enhance employee engagement and satisfaction through rewards programs. HR Generalist <p>Robert Half is excited to partner with our client in their search for a dynamic HR Generalist to join their team! If you are a proactive and motivated individual with a comprehensive understanding of HR functions and a passion for supporting organizational goals, this opportunity is for you.</p><p><br></p><p>As the HR Generalist, you will play a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless execution of HR operations and strategies, including but not limited to:</p><p><br></p><ul><li>Act as the first point of contact for employee queries, providing advice and guidance on HR policies and procedures</li><li>Collaborate with hiring managers to ensure smooth recruitment efforts, onboarding processes, and welcoming integration of new hires</li><li>Oversee benefits programs, assist employees with their inquiries, and ensure compliance with plan regulations</li><li>Support the performance review process by providing guidance, addressing challenges, and ensuring timelines are met</li><li>Identify areas for professional growth and assist in creating training programs that enhance employee skills and performance</li><li>Maintain accurate employee records, generate reports, and provide data-supported recommendations to leadership teams</li></ul> HR Generalist <p>Robert Half is seeking a highly skilled HR Generalist to join a team in Winnipeg, Manitoba. As a HR Generalist, you will be tasked with the management of employee communication, training events, and internal People & Culture projects. You will also take on responsibilities related to recruitment, onboarding, and employee engagement. This is an 16-month contract position that is fully in office, located near the Kenaston area of Winnipeg, within a manufacturing company.</p><p><br></p><p>Responsibilities:</p><p><br></p><p>• Facilitate learning and development sessions with leaders and employees</p><p>• Oversee the coordination and management of all employee change form notifications</p><p>• Act as first point of contact for supervisors and employees, providing guidance on People & Culture issues</p><p>• Manage the recruitment process for vacant functional vacancies, including creating job descriptions and offers of employment</p><p>• Develop and implement our onboarding program, and facilitate orientation for new employees</p><p>• Participate in updating the Employee Handbook & Policies annually, conducting informational sessions to educate staff</p><p>• Manage the Wellness, Recognition & Social Programs, including program development and event planning</p><p>• Actively participate in the Health & Safety Committee</p><p>• Manage the disability management process with employees, and support Health & Safety with employee safety issues and case management</p><p>• Oversee the preparation, monitoring, and tracking of applications and reimbursements for external funding support.</p> Human Resources Generalist <p>We are seeking a skilled Human Resources Generalist to support North American operations. This role will be responsible for a range of Human Resources functions, including recruitment, employee relations, payroll, benefits administration, and compliance across Canada and the U.S. The ideal candidate will have 3–5 years of experience, strong knowledge of Canadian employment laws, and some familiarity with U.S. Human Resources practices.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Key Responsibilities:</strong></p><ul><li>Recruitment & Onboarding: Manage full-cycle recruitment and onboarding processes.</li><li>Employee Relations: Address employee concerns, ensure policy compliance, and support performance management.</li><li>Payroll & Benefits: Oversee payroll preparation (ADP), tax compliance, and benefits administration.</li><li>Human Resources Policies & Compliance: Maintain HR policies, ensure legal compliance, and update handbooks.</li><li>Compensation & Salary Reviews: Support salary benchmarking and review processes.</li></ul> Human Resources Generalist <p>Our client in Edmonton is seeking a dynamic <strong>Human Resources Generalist</strong> to join their team and ensure top-notch HR support throughout the employee lifecycle. The ideal candidate will bring expertise in recruitment, employee relations, training, and compliance, with a passion for fostering positive workplace experiences. If you're a well-rounded HR professional ready to take on diverse responsibilities in a fast-paced environment, we’d love to hear from you!</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Key Responsibilities:</strong></p><ul><li>Manage full-cycle recruitment and onboarding processes to attract qualified candidates and ensure seamless integration into the organization.</li><li>Support and advise management and employees on employee relations issues, addressing concerns effectively.</li><li>Responsible for employee relations and communication.</li><li>Track and manage employee anniversaries, performance review due dates, wage increase eligibility, and contract action items.</li><li>Help maintain HR programs and promote strong company culture.</li><li>Administer and maintain employee benefits, vacation policies, RRSP contributions, and other incentive programs.</li><li>Conduct workplace investigations and provide recommendations to department managers and team leads.</li></ul><p>This permanent, full-time role is an in office-based (SW Edmonton) with travel to different sites around Edmonton and surrounding area as needed. A comprehensive total rewards package will be provided to the successful candidate. Apply today!</p> Associé principal recrutement <p>Nous sommes à la recherche d'un Associé principal pour rejoindre notre équipe basée à Québec. En tant qu'Associé principal, vous jouerez un rôle crucial dans le développement de notre base de clients et la promotion de nos services. Vous serez également responsable du recrutement, de l'embauche et du placement de professionnels dans le domaine de la finance et de la comptabilité.</p><p> </p><p>Responsabilités:</p><p>·      Agir à titre d’expert-conseil en recrutement auprès des dirigeants d’entreprises afin de leur permettre de réaliser avec succès leurs objectifs comptables et financiers.</p><p>·      Analyser la situation actuelle des entreprises au niveau de la répartition des tâches comptables et financières de l’organisation.</p><p>·      Évaluer et comprendre les enjeux et risques potentiels de la piste d’action actuelle en fonction de la situation externe de l’organisation (zone géographique, disponibilité du marché, attentes réelles du marché, etc.).</p><p>·      Suggérer un plan d’action adapté aux besoins de l’organisation et à son marché direct afin de minimiser l’écart entre la situation actuelle et celle souhaitée.</p><p>·      Maintenir à jour une matrice de compétences et d’actifs humains diversifiées et adaptées aux différents marchés dans lesquels œuvrent nos clients.</p><p>·      Assurer un suivi quotidien des outils de gestion et indicateurs clés de performance.</p><p>·      Recruter, rencontrer et identifier les professionnels de la comptabilité et de la finance susceptible de réaliser avec succès les objectifs de nos mandats.</p><p>·      Utiliser les outils informatiques de la suite Office et un système informatique de type MRP, procéder à des extractions de donnés vers Excel en d’analyser les ressources disponibles en fonction de multiples critères de recherches.</p> HR Recruiter <p>We are offering a temporary employment opportunity for a HR Recruiter in Toronto, Ontario. This role primarily focuses on the sourcing and placement of exceptional engineering talent for infrastructure-related projects. The HR Recruiter will be expected to work onsite and manage the hiring pipeline proactively, engage in talent acquisition, and construct a solid database of potential candidates. </p><p><br></p><p>Responsibilities: </p><p><br></p><p>• Develop and implement innovative sourcing strategies specifically tailored for engineering roles in infrastructure to attract both active and passive job seekers</p><p>• Establish and execute custom recruitment plans to promptly meet client requisitions with candidates having experience in the required field</p><p>• Engage in proactive talent acquisition through platforms such as LinkedIn and engineering associations to target potential candidates</p><p>• Formulate connections with top engineering talent to cultivate a deep talent pool for current and future roles</p><p>• Maintain a proactive presence in the engineering and infrastructure community via networking events and targeted outreach</p><p>• Construct and uphold a structured database of pre-screened engineering candidates, segmented by skill sets, certifications, and career levels</p><p>• Regularly update and refine the candidate pipeline to ensure a constant flow of prospects for high-demand roles</p><p>• Utilize applicant tracking systems (ATS) and recruitment technology to organize and maintain accurate candidate records</p><p>• Collaborate with hiring managers to gain a comprehensive understanding of technical requirements, team dynamics, and project goals for each engineering position</p><p>• Function as a strategic partner to clients, offering market insights and trends in talent availability in the engineering sector</p><p>• Guarantee a high-quality candidate experience by maintaining clear communication and managing expectations throughout the recruitment process</p><p>• Stay updated on changes in civil engineering talent trends, labor laws, and compliance requirements</p><p>• Deliver regular reports and pipeline updates to internal stakeholders, including success metrics and sourcing challenges.</p> HR Recruiter We are offering a permanent employment opportunity for an HR Recruiter in the non-profit sector, based in Stouffville, Ontario. As an HR Recruiter, you will play a crucial role in managing a high-volume recruitment process, collaborating effectively with hiring managers, and maintaining structured and organized processes. <br><br>Responsibilities:<br>• Efficiently process and manage high-volume recruitment activities<br>• Collaborate effectively with hiring managers to streamline the recruitment process<br>• Utilize Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Word, and Outlook for daily communication and task management<br>• Conduct pre-screening interviews using questions provided by hiring managers, and manage scoring and evaluation<br>• Schedule and coordinate in-person interviews, accommodating managers' schedules<br>• Communicate findings, organize discussions, and support decision-making with client groups<br>• Maintain accurate and organized records of candidate information in shared network folders<br>• Leverage your skills in using the Applicant Track System to manage recruitment activities<br>• Exhibit strong communication skills to build strong relationships with team members and stakeholders<br>• Demonstrate adeptness at prescreening and scheduling interviews in a corporate recruiting environment Compensation & rewards Manager(contract) <p>We are on the lookout for an experienced Compensation & Rewards Manager to join our team located in Toronto, Ontario. As a key player in the Healthcare industry, our focus is on streamlining our annual compensation review process. This individual will be accountable for several key areas, including Compensation Programs, Employee Benefits, Perks and Wellness. You will bring analytics, modelling, governance and advice to the business to support the Total Rewards philosophy .This position offers a long term contract employment opportunity.</p><p><br></p><p>Key responsibilities:</p><p><br></p><p>• Spearhead the communication, roll-out, and post-launch support for our annual compensation review process. Participate in compensation and best practice benchmarking surveys; provide reports on compensation market trends through research of salary surveys</p><p>• Leverage your exceptional communication skills to articulate the compensation review process clearly and effectively. Develop a Company-wide job evaluation system ensuring results are recorded and communicated accurately and consistently; review and report on the Company's position with respect to pay equity</p><p>• Act as an expert in end-to-end merit and bonus reviews, ensuring a thorough and accurate process</p><p>• Use your knowledge of Compensation & Benefits to assist in the ongoing refinement of our compensation strategy</p><p>• Engage in the upkeep of workplace presence for a few days each week to foster team collaboration and ensure effective communication</p><p>• Assume the role of a strong compensation specialist, contributing to the overall function of our compensation strategy.</p> Gestionnaire de projet - HRIS <p>Nous recherchons un Gestionnaire de projet en Implantation HRIS pour rejoindre l'équipe de notre client situé à Montréal, Québec. En tant que Gestionnaire de projet en Implantation HRIS, vous aurez un rôle essentiel dans la sélection et la mise en place d'une plateforme HRIS, tout en assurant la coordination avec les intégrateurs externes. Vous serez également chargé de la gestion de tous les aspects du projet, y compris la planification, l'exécution, et la coordination.</p><p><br></p><p>Responsabilités :</p><p><br></p><p>• Superviser la sélection et la mise en place d'une plateforme HRIS</p><p>• Assurer la gestion de tous les aspects du projet, y compris la planification, l'exécution et la coordination</p><p>• Diriger la gestion du changement et l'analyse des affaires tout au long du projet</p><p>• Collaborer avec les équipes internes (par exemple, paie, RH) pour assurer le bon déploiement du système</p><p>• Élaborer et exécuter les plans de test pour garantir la fonctionnalité du nouveau système</p><p>• Utiliser les gabarits et outils de gestion de projet standards pour garantir l'alignement avec les processus organisationnels</p><p>• Gérer les ressources internes et externes, en veillant à ce que les délais et objectifs du projet soient respectés</p><p>• Favoriser une approche orientée solutions pour résoudre les problèmes avec une attitude centrée sur le client</p><p>• Développer des compétences en communication pour interagir avec diverses équipes et parties prenantes</p><p>• Diriger et faciliter les efforts de gestion du changement</p> Human Resources Manager <p>We are seeking a <strong>proactive and strategic HR Manager</strong> to join our team within the <strong>construction and manufacturing industry</strong>. This role requires a dynamic professional who is equally comfortable handling <strong>day-to-day HR operations</strong> and developing <strong>long-term strategic initiatives</strong>. The successful candidate will bring <strong>critical thinking and thought leadership</strong>, along with a willingness to <strong>take a hands-on approach</strong> in managing HR functions.</p><p>This position is ideal for an <strong>experienced HR professional</strong> with <strong>7-10 years of experience in a unionized environment</strong>, who excels in <strong>compliance, employee relations, process improvement, and automation</strong>. The role also includes oversight of <strong>health and safety programs</strong> and will be instrumental in <strong>modernizing HR systems and processes</strong>.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Key Responsibilities</strong></p><p><br></p><p><strong>HR Operations & Compliance</strong></p><ul><li>Oversee the full spectrum of HR functions, including <strong>onboarding, exit interviews, investigations, and labour relations</strong>.</li><li>Ensure adherence to <strong>Canadian employment laws</strong>, collective agreements, and industry-specific regulations.</li><li>Provide expert guidance on <strong>employee relations, performance management, workplace investigations, and disciplinary actions</strong>.</li></ul><p><strong>Strategic HR Leadership & Process Optimization</strong></p><ul><li>Develop and implement a <strong>five-year HR strategy</strong>, aligning HR objectives with business growth.</li><li>Identify opportunities to <strong>streamline and automate HR processes</strong>, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.</li><li>Lead and support the <strong>implementation of HRIS and payroll systems.</strong></li><li>Foster a culture of <strong>employee engagement and continuous improvement</strong>.</li></ul><p><strong>Health & Safety & Travel</strong></p><ul><li>Oversee <strong>health and safety programs</strong>, ensuring full compliance with occupational health standards and regulations.</li><li>Partner with operations teams to enhance <strong>safety policies, training initiatives, and risk mitigation strategies</strong>.</li></ul> HR Director <p>We are seeking a dynamic and experienced <strong>Global HR Director</strong> to lead our Human Resources function in a fast-paced manufacturing environment. This role is critical in shaping the company’s strategic HR initiatives while delivering measurable business impact. If you are passionate about fostering a high-performance culture and driving organizational success, we’d love to hear from you.</p><p><strong>Key Responsibilities:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Strategic HR Leadership:</strong> Plan, develop, and implement the company’s strategic HR goals and initiatives, ensuring alignment with broader business objectives.</li><li><strong>Policy Management:</strong> Develop and direct the interpretation and application of HR policies across the organization, cultivating an employee relations climate that supports company goals.</li><li><strong>Team Leadership:</strong> Provide leadership and oversee five direct reports, ensuring adequate and appropriate resources to support organizational operations.</li><li><strong>Organizational Development:</strong> Direct the management and implementation of organizational development and performance management programs to drive employee growth and operational excellence.</li><li><strong>Training & Development:</strong> Lead the training and development functions to meet organizational needs and foster a culture of learning.</li><li><strong>Operational Insights:</strong> Work closely with the CEO and key stakeholders to provide strategic HR input related to operational challenges and goals.</li><li><strong>Budget Oversight:</strong> Manage the assigned HR budget to optimize resource utilization and minimize costs, supporting the annual budgeting process with accurate forecasting.</li></ul><p><strong>Qualifications:</strong></p><ul><li>Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources, Business Administration, or a related field; Master’s degree or HR certifications (e.g., SHRM-CP, PHR) preferred.</li><li>Proven experience (10+ years) in HR leadership roles, ideally within the manufacturing industry.</li><li>Strong knowledge of HR best practices, including talent acquisition, organizational development, employee engagement, compliance, and performance management.</li><li>Excellent communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills.</li><li>Ability to work effectively in a global, fast-paced environment and manage multiple priorities.</li></ul> Human Resources Director <p>We are partnering with a well-established organization in the Lower Mainland seeking a dynamic and experienced Human Resources Director to lead its Human Resources function and drive a people-first strategy. This senior leadership role will be instrumental in shaping the company’s workforce, culture, and organizational success.</p><p><br></p><p>Responsibilities:</p><p>• Develop and execute Human Resources strategies that align with business goals.</p><p>• Act as a trusted advisor to senior leadership on Human Resources policies, talent management, and organizational development.</p><p>• Oversee full-cycle recruitment, workforce planning, and succession strategies to attract and retain top talent.</p><p>• Lead compensation, benefits, and performance management programs to ensure competitive and equitable practices.</p><p>• Manage employee and labour relations, including conflict resolution, policy development, and compliance with employment laws.</p><p>• Foster an inclusive and engaging workplace culture that supports employee well-being, growth, and satisfaction.</p><p>• Mentor and develop the Human Resources team while continuously optimizing Human Resources processes and systems.</p><p><br></p> Human Resources (HR) Manager <p>Robert Half has partnered with a well-established, Edmonton-based company to help them find a dynamic HR professional for their team. Specifically, they are looking for an experienced HR Manager to oversee and manage all human resources functions such as designing and implementing HR strategies that align with their business goals while fostering a positive work environment. This role requires a hands-on leader experienced in addressing the unique demands of staffing and supporting a predominantly “blue-collar” workforce.</p><p> </p><p>Key Responsibilities:</p><p> </p><p>Recruitment & Staffing:</p><p> </p><ul><li>Develop and execute recruitment strategies to attract skilled blue-collar talent to meet staffing demands.</li><li>Partner with hiring managers to identify staffing needs and ensure alignment with company goals and culture.</li></ul><p>Employee Relations:</p><p><br></p><ul><li>Cultivate a positive workplace culture by addressing employee concerns and promoting engagement.</li><li>Actively manage and resolve employee relations issues in a fair, transparent, and legally compliant manner.</li></ul><p>Performance Management:</p><p> </p><ul><li>Develop and oversee performance review processes tailored to a field-based environment.</li><li>Work closely with managers to create clear expectations and actionable improvement plans.</li></ul><p>Strategic Planning/Coaching/Training:</p><p> </p><ul><li>Work closely with Operations group to determine company strategy.</li><li>Be a coach to the Operations group to help them manage their people effectively.</li><li>Looking at training opportunities to enhance overall operations effectiveness</li></ul><p>They are looking for a “builder” of HR programs that support the success of the business. This is an in-office position with flexibility in start/end times. This is also a dog friendly office!</p><p>The salary range for the role is $85K - $95K. There may be some room to negotiate for the ideal candidate. In addition to the salary, they offer full benefits, employee share option program, paid vacation (3 weeks) and 4 paid sick days. The role will also have one direct report (HR Coordinator).</p><p><br></p><p>If you are up to challenging, but rewarding role, apply today!</p><p> </p> Human Resources Director <p>We are seeking an experienced Director of Human Resources to lead people operations, employee engagement, and cultural development within a healthcare and hospitality organization. This role focuses on full-cycle recruitment, onboarding, training & development, employee relations, performance management, and Human Resources compliance.</p><p><br></p><p>Key areas of impact include:</p><ul><li>Driving talent acquisition and fostering an inclusive workplace culture</li><li>Leading Human Resources policies, benefits administration, and performance programs</li><li>Championing employee engagement, DEI initiatives, and leadership development</li><li>Enhancing internal communication and cultural initiatives to promote belonging</li><li>Ensuring compliance with employment legislation and best Human Resources practices</li></ul><p><br></p><p><br></p> Human Resources (HR) Manager <p>We are offering an exciting opportunity for a Human Resources (HR) Manager for a large scale manufacturer. In this role, you will play a critical part in developing and implementing HR policies and practices, managing compliance, and leading local HR teams. As an HR Manager, your focus will be on employee relations, legislative and customer compliance, and fostering relationships with government agencies. </p><p><br></p><p>Responsibilities:</p><p><br></p><p>• Develop and implement effective human resources policies and practices to meet employee needs</p><p>• Ensure legislative and customer compliance to prevent work interruptions and minimize costs</p><p>• Lead the local HR team comprising of payroll and benefits administration, training, health safety, and environmental functions, and general HR</p><p>• Generate reports to keep the teams aware of employment issues such as overtime, staffing, and attendance and assist in the management of these issues as they arise</p><p>• Maintain and manage non-occupational records</p><p>• Oversee the payroll process</p><p>• Have the final say on the hiring of employees in conjunction with the hiring manager</p><p>• Oversee the performance management system</p><p>• Give final approval for hiring within the approved budget or guidance</p><p>• Conduct performance evaluations and salary reviews for direct staff and other key stakeholders</p><p>• Make termination decisions when needed</p><p>• Utilize skills in ADP Workforce Now, Benefit Functions, Compliance, Employee Relations, and Payroll</p> Payroll Taxation Analyst <p>Robert Half is seeking an Junior Payroll Analyst with a strong focus on tax compliance and garnishment administration for one of our clients in Aurora. The ideal candidate will have some knowledge of both Canadian and U.S. payroll tax laws and experience with Ceridian Dayforce. </p><p><br></p><p>Your Responsibilities </p><p>Tax Compliance</p><ul><li>Ensure accurate calculation, reporting, and remittance of federal, state, and local payroll taxes</li><li>Stay current with changes in tax legislation and adjust payroll systems accordingly</li><li>Assist with payroll tax audits and inquiries from government agencies</li></ul><p>Garnishment Administration</p><ul><li>Process employee garnishments including child support, tax levies, and creditor garnishments</li><li>Communicate with employees and external agencies regarding garnishment orders</li><li>Maintain accurate records and ensure timely payments in compliance with legal requirements</li></ul><p>Ceridian Dayforce Management</p><ul><li>Utilize Ceridian Dayforce for payroll processing, focusing on tax and garnishment modules</li><li>Troubleshoot issues and provide technical support for the Dayforce system</li><li>Collaborate with the HRIS team to enhance system functionalities</li></ul><p>Payroll Reconciliation and Reporting</p><ul><li>Reconcile payroll tax filings and garnishment deductions</li><li>Prepare and review payroll reports for accuracy and compliance</li><li>Analyze payroll data to identify discrepancies and implement corrective actions.</li></ul> Compensation Analyst III We are offering an opportunity for a Compensation Analyst III role. The job function lies within the customer service industry and requires a high level of proficiency in handling multiple projects, presenting complex concepts, and translating business and technical requirements. The role also offers a permanent employment opportunity and can be performed remotely.<br><br>Responsibilities: <br><br>• Handle multiple projects simultaneously, coordinating with various stakeholder groups<br>• Prepare and deliver presentations to communicate complex concepts <br>• Translate business and technical requirements into comprehensible terms <br>• Respond to ad hoc requests as they arise <br>• Utilize Microsoft Office suite for various tasks <br>• Leverage previous experience in managing projects or writing technical requirements<br>• Apply presentation skills to effectively communicate information<br>• Learn and apply knowledge of compensation processes and practices<br>• Utilize consulting experience to provide expert advice and guidance<br>• Work collaboratively with team members and stakeholders to achieve project goals<br>• Utilize CRM systems to manage customer relationships and data<br>• Implement process improvements to enhance efficiency and effectiveness<br>• Prioritize tasks and responsibilities to manage time and resources effectively<br>• Administer compensation processes and procedures. Total Rewards Consultant We are seeking a Total Rewards Consultant in Toronto, Ontario. As a Total Rewards Consultant, you will be in charge of creating comprehensive wellness strategies and communicating these effectively to the team. This role is within the industry and offers a long term contract employment opportunity.<br><br>Responsibilities:<br><br>• Create a four-pillar wellness strategy that addresses financial, emotional, physical, and social well-being. <br>• Ensure effective communication of wellness offerings to all employees. <br>• Conduct in-depth analyses to identify any gaps in current health and retirement benefit plans. <br>• Use data gathered from analyses to make informed recommendations for improvements in health and retirement benefits. <br>• Design benefits in line with the organization's goals and employees' needs. <br>• Monitor and manage the implementation of recommended improvements in the benefits plan.<br>• Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to ensure the successful execution of wellness strategies.<br>• Maintain up-to-date knowledge on industry trends and best practices related to benefits and wellness programs.<br>• Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of wellness strategies and make necessary adjustments.<br>• Foster a culture of well-being across the organization.