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    21 résultats pour Generaliste En Ressources Humaines

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    Notre client, une entreprise de fabrication située à St-Hyacinthe, est à la recherche d'un Généraliste en ressources humaines pour rejoindre leur équipe. Dans ce rôle, vous serez chargé de gérer diverses tâches administratives et opérationnelles, y compris la gestion des relations avec les employés, l'administration des avantages et la coordination des initiatives de formation.


    • Administrer les avantages des employés, y compris l'inscription, la mise à jour des données et la création de rapports.

    • Gérer le processus de recrutement, y compris la publication des postes, le dépistage des candidats, la planification des entretiens et la communication avec les gestionnaires d'embauche.

    • Gérer le processus de résiliation, y compris la conduite des entretiens de départ et la production de lettres de confirmation.

    • Servir de point de contact pour les relations de travail, répondre aux demandes concernant les politiques et procédures, et conseiller la direction sur la résolution appropriée des problèmes de relations avec les employés.

    • Assurer la conformité avec les lois et règlements pertinents en matière d'emploi, y compris les directives et politiques sur l'égalité d'emploi.

    • Identifier les besoins de formation, élaborer et mettre en œuvre le plan de formation en collaboration avec le service des ressources humaines.

    • Surveiller le respect des politiques internes et des normes juridiques.

    • Traiter les griefs des employés, en accord avec les contrats syndicaux.

    Avantages du poste:

    • Assurances collectives;
    • Augmentation salariale annuelle;
    • Trois (3) semaines de vacances + trois (3) journées personnelles + six (6) jours durant les fêtes + douze (12) jours de fériés;

    Exigences du poste:

    • Posséder de l'expérience dans un rôle similaire depuis au moins 5 ans;
    • Posséder une expérience dans une entreprise en milieu syndiqué;
    • Bilinguisme (français/anglais) pour être en mesure de communiquer efficacement avec le bureau chef au États-Unis;
    • Mode présentiel à 100%
    Robert Half est la première et la plus grande firme de solutions de gestion des talents spécialisées au monde, qui met en relation des chercheurs d'emploi hautement qualifiés avec des opportunités au sein de grandes entreprises. Nous offrons des solutions de placement contractuel, temporaire et permanent dans les domaines de la finance et de la comptabilité, des technologies, du marketing et de la création, et du soutien administratif et à la clientèle. Robert Half vous met dans la meilleure position pour réussir. Nous vous donnons accès aux meilleurs emplois, à une rémunération et à des avantages sociaux compétitifs, ainsi qu'à des formations en ligne gratuites. Restez au courant de toutes les opportunités, peu importe où vous êtes - même en déplacement. Téléchargez l'application Robert Half et postulez en un seul clic, recevez des notifications instantanées pour des emplois proposés par l'IA, et plus encore. Des questions? Communiquez avec le bureau de votre région au 1.888.490.4154. Tous les candidats répondant à des offres d’emploi au Canada doivent être autorisés à y travailler. Seules les descriptions de postes situés au Québec apparaissent en français.​ © Robert Half, 2025. Numéro de permis du Québec AP-2000503. En cliquant sur « Postuler maintenant », vous acceptez les conditions d’utilisation de Robert Half.

    Emplois de Generaliste En Ressources Humaines

    Généraliste en ressources humaines <p>Notre client, une entreprise de fabrication située à St-Hyacinthe, est à la recherche d'un Généraliste en ressources humaines pour rejoindre leur équipe. Dans ce rôle, vous serez chargé de gérer diverses tâches administratives et opérationnelles, y compris la gestion des relations avec les employés, l'administration des avantages et la coordination des initiatives de formation.</p><p><br></p><p>Responsabilités:</p><p><br></p><p>• Administrer les avantages des employés, y compris l'inscription, la mise à jour des données et la création de rapports.</p><p>• Gérer le processus de recrutement, y compris la publication des postes, le dépistage des candidats, la planification des entretiens et la communication avec les gestionnaires d'embauche.</p><p>• Gérer le processus de résiliation, y compris la conduite des entretiens de départ et la production de lettres de confirmation.</p><p>• Servir de point de contact pour les relations de travail, répondre aux demandes concernant les politiques et procédures, et conseiller la direction sur la résolution appropriée des problèmes de relations avec les employés.</p><p>• Assurer la conformité avec les lois et règlements pertinents en matière d'emploi, y compris les directives et politiques sur l'égalité d'emploi.</p><p>• Identifier les besoins de formation, élaborer et mettre en œuvre le plan de formation en collaboration avec le service des ressources humaines.</p><p>• Surveiller le respect des politiques internes et des normes juridiques.</p><p>• Traiter les griefs des employés, en accord avec les contrats syndicaux.</p> Généraliste RH Sénior Nous recherchons un généraliste senior en ressources humaines pour rejoindre notre équipe basée à Pointe Claire, Québec. Ce rôle sera essentiel pour gérer et mettre à jour les descriptions de poste, superviser le processus de recrutement et d'embauche, et soutenir les activités d'intégration des nouveaux employés. Vous serez également responsable de la gestion des activités de reconnaissance au niveau local, de la tenue des dossiers des employés et de la gestion des questions relatives aux relations avec les salariés.<br><br>Responsabilités :<br>• Organiser et gérer le processus de recrutement et d'embauche pour les postes ouverts<br>• Superviser et mettre à jour les descriptions de postes<br>• Participer aux évaluations annuelles des performances et au cycle d'augmentation du mérite<br>• Participer aux procédures disciplinaires et de licenciement pour garantir un traitement équitable à tous les employés<br>• Gérer les activités d'intégration des nouveaux employés, répondre aux questions des employés et soutenir les responsables lors de l'intégration<br>• Gérer les activités de reconnaissance au niveau local<br>• Assurer la tenue des dossiers des employés<br>• Traiter les questions relatives aux relations avec les salariés et mener des enquêtes<br>• Développer et organiser des sessions de formation du personnel, des ateliers et d'autres activités selon les besoins<br>• Gérer les questions relatives aux prestations des employés. Spécialiste des systèmes de ressources humaines <p>Notre client est à la recherche d'un Spécialiste des Systèmes RH pour rejoindre son équipe basée à Laval, Québec. En tant que Spécialiste des Systèmes RH, vous serez le point de contact principal pour systèmes RH et travaillerez avec nos partenaires mondiaux pour assurer la maintenance et le développement des systèmes existants. Ce rôle comprend également la mise en œuvre de nouveaux produits et technologies pour étendre capacités RH mondiales.</p><p><br></p><p>Responsabilités :</p><p>• Développer et améliorer continuellement le système Kronos WFD</p><p>• Assister à l'implémentation de Kronos WFD en tant que système d'enregistrement du temps dans de nouveaux pays</p><p>• Participer au remplacement du système de saisie du temps de travail existant par Kronos WFD</p><p>• Mettre en œuvre efficacement les exigences du système et les adapter en conséquence</p><p>• Optimiser nos règles de saisie du temps de travail pour plus de simplicité et d'efficacité</p><p>• Concevoir des processus « Lean » et des flux de travail allégés pour nos RH, nos employés et nos managers au niveau mondial</p><p>• Travailler en équipe pour développer continuellement la numérisation de l'environnement RH</p><p>• Avoir une expérience de travail avec des systèmes informatiques dans un environnement RH</p><p>• Avoir une expérience avec Kronos WFD et d'autres systèmes tels que SAP SuccessFactors, Cornerstone ou SAP HCM</p><p>• Avoir une formation axée sur les systèmes RH ou l'informatique</p><p>• Avoir une expérience préalable de travail avec des systèmes informatiques dans un environnement RH</p><p>• Avoir une expérience de 1 à 3 ans dans le domaine des RH et des technologies liées aux RH</p> Coordonnateur des talents <p>Notre client est à la recherche d'un Coordonnateur des talents émergents pour rejoindre son équipe à Montréal, Québec. Ce rôle clé au sein de notre organisation implique de fournir un soutien au recrutement pour notre industrie. Vous travaillerez en étroite collaboration avec les gestionnaires d’embauche et les autres parties prenantes afin d’assurer un processus de recrutement efficace.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Responsabilités :</strong></p><p>• Apporter un soutien au recrutement dans les Amériques</p><p>• Gérer un grand nombre de postes à pourvoir couvrant diverses disciplines</p><p>• Trier les CV, organiser des entrevues téléphoniques et gérer les demandes de tests psychométriques</p><p>• Publier des offres d’emploi dans notre système et sur les plateformes universitaires</p><p>• Collaborer avec les partenaires régionaux en recrutement pour la recherche de candidats potentiels</p><p>• Gérer diverses tâches administratives et projets connexes</p><p>• Utiliser efficacement la suite Microsoft (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Outlook) pour différentes tâches</p><p>• Établir et entretenir des relations avec les parties prenantes internes et externes</p><p>• Assurer le respect des procédures d’urgence et de conformité</p><p>• Fournir des rapports et mises à jour sur l’avancement du processus de recrutement.</p> Spécialiste de programme - prestations et pensions <p>Nous recherchons un Spécialiste de Programme - Prestations et Pensions. Malgré que les bureaux sont à Ottawa, c'est un poste qui peut être en télétravail. </p><p><br></p><p>Vous serez chargé de concevoir, mettre en œuvre et gérer les programmes de prestations sociales, de retraite et de gestion des absences. Vous collaborerez avec diverses équipes et fournisseurs pour assurer la qualité et la conformité des programmes.</p><p><br></p><p>Responsabilités :</p><p>• Concevoir et mettre en œuvre des programmes de prestations sociales et de retraite</p><p>• Assurer la conformité des programmes avec les lois pertinentes</p><p>• Collaborer avec les fournisseurs pour assurer la qualité des programmes</p><p>• Gérer et évaluer les politiques et programmes d'avantages sociaux et de retraite</p><p>• Conseiller les employés et les gestionnaires sur les programmes de soutien aux absences et de surveillance médicale</p><p>• Coordonner le renouvellement annuel des avantages sociaux et communiquer ces informations aux employés et retraités</p><p>• Répondre aux questions complexes sur l'administration des avantages sociaux et de retraite</p><p>• Servir de point de contact principal pour les employés prenant leur retraite</p><p>• Superviser la facturation mensuelle des avantages sociaux et produire des rapports analytiques</p><p>• Travailler en étroite collaboration avec les équipes des Ressources Humaines et de la Santé et Sécurité.</p> HR Generalist <p>We are seeking a polished and dynamic <strong>HR Generalist</strong> to join our Human Resources team in a <strong>luxury retail environment</strong>. This role will play a pivotal part in delivering <strong>white-glove service</strong> not only to our clients internal employees but also to external stakeholders, ensuring an unmatched client and associate experience. With a primary focus on <strong>talent acquisition</strong> and <strong>employee relations</strong>, the ideal candidate will bring exceptional interpersonal skills, high attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the luxury retail industry.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Key Responsibilities</strong></p><p> </p><p><strong>Talent Acquisition:</strong></p><ul><li>Collaborate with hiring managers to assess staffing needs, ensuring the recruitment of top-tier talent aligned with the brand's luxury service standards.</li><li>Implement creative sourcing strategies to build a pipeline of qualified candidates, with a focus on hiring for performance, culture fit, and client-facing roles.</li><li>Conduct screening, interviews, and assessments with an emphasis on identifying candidates who reflect our <strong>white-glove customer service ethos</strong>.</li><li>Provide a seamless candidate experience throughout the hiring process, ensuring alignment with the brand’s luxury reputation.</li></ul><p><strong>Employee Relations:</strong></p><ul><li>Foster a positive and collaborative work environment by serving as the primary resource for employee support, coaching, and conflict resolution.</li><li>Manage employee concerns and grievances in a sensitive and confidential manner, ensuring fairness and alignment with company policy.</li><li>Partner with management to develop strategies that enhance employee engagement, retention, and satisfaction.</li><li>Act as a brand ambassador internally, promoting the company culture and values at every level of the organization.</li></ul><p><strong>HR Administration and Compliance:</strong></p><ul><li>Ensure compliance with all federal, state, and local employment laws and regulations.</li><li>Maintain accurate and organized HR documentation and data management for internal reporting purposes.</li><li>Support new hire onboarding and orientation, creating a luxury experience reflective of the brand’s prestige.</li></ul><p><strong>Training and Development:</strong></p><ul><li>Partner with leadership to identify employee development needs and recommend tailored training solutions.</li><li>Assist in delivering performance management programs, coaching managers and employees as needed to ensure professional growth and excellence.</li><li>Support initiatives to elevate the internal service culture to meet the expectations of luxury clientele.</li></ul> Human Resources Manager <p>Our client is a growing travel arrangement company with a global presence. They are currently looking to add an experienced HR Manager to an exciting and dynamic team. This organization is expanding operations in Ontario and offers exciting career growth opportunities, both locally and internationally.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Key Responsibilities:</strong></p><ul><li>Oversee full-cycle HR functions, including labor relations, recruitment, onboarding, and offboarding.</li><li>Manage and improve HR policies, processes, and the employee handbook.</li><li>Administer full payroll using <strong>Ceridian</strong>, with a focus on automating the <strong>Global Entity (GE) payroll</strong> process.</li><li>Support HR strategy to align with business growth and workforce expansion.</li></ul><p><br></p><p><br></p> Human Resources Manager <p>We are seeking a <strong>proactive and strategic HR Manager</strong> to join our team within the <strong>construction and manufacturing industry</strong>. This role requires a dynamic professional who is equally comfortable handling <strong>day-to-day HR operations</strong> and developing <strong>long-term strategic initiatives</strong>. The successful candidate will bring <strong>critical thinking and thought leadership</strong>, along with a willingness to <strong>take a hands-on approach</strong> in managing HR functions.</p><p>This position is ideal for an <strong>experienced HR professional</strong> with <strong>7-10 years of experience in a unionized environment</strong>, who excels in <strong>compliance, employee relations, process improvement, and automation</strong>. The role also includes oversight of <strong>health and safety programs</strong> and will be instrumental in <strong>modernizing HR systems and processes</strong>.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Key Responsibilities</strong></p><p><br></p><p><strong>HR Operations & Compliance</strong></p><ul><li>Oversee the full spectrum of HR functions, including <strong>onboarding, exit interviews, investigations, and labour relations</strong>.</li><li>Ensure adherence to <strong>Canadian employment laws</strong>, collective agreements, and industry-specific regulations.</li><li>Provide expert guidance on <strong>employee relations, performance management, workplace investigations, and disciplinary actions</strong>.</li></ul><p><strong>Strategic HR Leadership & Process Optimization</strong></p><ul><li>Develop and implement a <strong>five-year HR strategy</strong>, aligning HR objectives with business growth.</li><li>Identify opportunities to <strong>streamline and automate HR processes</strong>, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.</li><li>Lead and support the <strong>implementation of HRIS and payroll systems.</strong></li><li>Foster a culture of <strong>employee engagement and continuous improvement</strong>.</li></ul><p><strong>Health & Safety & Travel</strong></p><ul><li>Oversee <strong>health and safety programs</strong>, ensuring full compliance with occupational health standards and regulations.</li><li>Partner with operations teams to enhance <strong>safety policies, training initiatives, and risk mitigation strategies</strong>.</li></ul> HR Generalist <p>Robert Half is seeking a detail-oriented and proactive <strong>HR Generalist with a focus on Health and Safety</strong> to join our client based in Guelph, ON. This role is responsible for supporting human resource functions while ensuring compliance with occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations. The ideal candidate will be instrumental in implementing HR policies, maintaining a safe work environment, and fostering a culture of health, safety, and well-being across the organization.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Key Responsibilities:</strong></p><ul><li>Assist with full-cycle recruitment, onboarding, and employee orientation programs.</li><li>Administer and maintain HR policies, procedures, and programs.</li><li>Support employee relations initiatives, including conflict resolution, performance management, and disciplinary actions.</li><li>Manage HR documentation, employee records, and ensure compliance with employment laws and company policies.</li><li>Coordinate training and development programs to enhance employee engagement and skill growth.</li><li>Support payroll, benefits administration, and leave management processes.</li><li>Participate in HR projects related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), employee engagement, and company culture.</li><li>Develop, implement, and enforce occupational health and safety policies and programs.</li><li>Conduct regular workplace safety inspections, risk assessments, and hazard identifications.</li><li>Ensure compliance with local, state, and federal health and safety regulations.</li><li>Organize safety training programs and emergency preparedness drills for employees.</li><li>Investigate workplace accidents, near-miss incidents, and recommend corrective actions.</li><li>Maintain accurate records of safety incidents, audits, and regulatory compliance.</li><li>Act as the point of contact for workers' compensation claims and coordinate return-to-work programs.</li><li>Collaborate with leadership and staff to promote a culture of workplace safety and well-being.</li></ul><p><br></p> HR Generalist <p>Robert Half is seeking a highly skilled HR Generalist to join a team in Winnipeg, Manitoba. As a HR Generalist, you will be tasked with the management of employee communication, training events, and internal People & Culture projects. You will also take on responsibilities related to recruitment, onboarding, and employee engagement. This is an 18-month contract position that is fully in office, located near the Kenaston area of Winnipeg, within a manufacturing company. </p><p><br></p><p>Responsibilities:</p><p><br></p><p>• Facilitate learning and development sessions with leaders and employees</p><p>• Oversee the coordination and management of all employee change form notifications</p><p>• Act as first point of contact for supervisors and employees, providing guidance on People & Culture issues</p><p>• Manage the recruitment process for vacant functional vacancies, including creating job descriptions and offers of employment</p><p>• Develop and implement our onboarding program, and facilitate orientation for new employees</p><p>• Participate in updating the Employee Handbook & Policies annually, conducting informational sessions to educate staff</p><p>• Manage the Wellness, Recognition & Social Programs, including program development and event planning</p><p>• Actively participate in the Health & Safety Committee</p><p>• Manage the disability management process with employees, and support Health & Safety with employee safety issues and case management</p><p>• Oversee the preparation, monitoring, and tracking of applications and reimbursements for external funding support.</p> HR Recruiter We are offering an exciting opportunity for an HR Recruiter in the non-profit industry. The role involves managing and streamlining the recruitment process, coordinating with hiring managers, and maintaining effective communication. <br><br>Responsibilities:<br><br>• Management of candidate applications, including pre-screening and evaluation.<br>• Utilize communication tools such as Teams, Word, and Outlook for daily tasks.<br>• Scheduling and coordinating on-site interviews, adapting to managers' schedules.<br>• Maintain and manage documents in shared network folders to ensure records are accessible for teams.<br>• Establish and maintain strong relationships with hiring managers and client groups to review decisions on applicant progression.<br>• Utilize the Applicant Track System to streamline the recruitment process.<br>• Accommodate and adapt to flexible work policies and dynamic schedules.<br>• Collaborate effectively with the HR team and client groups, ensuring organized and efficient communication.<br>• Prioritize a detailed-oriented approach to support the business and staffing needs.<br>• Operate primarily within manual processes until the implementation of HRIS. HR Recruiter We are offering a permanent employment opportunity for a HR Recruiter in Toronto, Ontario. This role primarily focuses on the sourcing and placement of exceptional engineering talent for infrastructure-related projects. The HR Recruiter will be expected to work onsite and manage the hiring pipeline proactively, engage in talent acquisition, and construct a solid database of potential candidates. <br><br>Responsibilities: <br><br>• Develop and implement innovative sourcing strategies specifically tailored for engineering roles in infrastructure to attract both active and passive job seekers<br>• Establish and execute custom recruitment plans to promptly meet client requisitions with candidates having experience in the required field<br>• Engage in proactive talent acquisition through platforms such as LinkedIn and engineering associations to target potential candidates<br>• Formulate connections with top engineering talent to cultivate a deep talent pool for current and future roles<br>• Maintain a proactive presence in the engineering and infrastructure community via networking events and targeted outreach<br>• Construct and uphold a structured database of pre-screened engineering candidates, segmented by skill sets, certifications, and career levels<br>• Regularly update and refine the candidate pipeline to ensure a constant flow of prospects for high-demand roles<br>• Utilize applicant tracking systems (ATS) and recruitment technology to organize and maintain accurate candidate records<br>• Collaborate with hiring managers to gain a comprehensive understanding of technical requirements, team dynamics, and project goals for each engineering position<br>• Function as a strategic partner to clients, offering market insights and trends in talent availability in the engineering sector<br>• Guarantee a high-quality candidate experience by maintaining clear communication and managing expectations throughout the recruitment process<br>• Stay updated on changes in civil engineering talent trends, labor laws, and compliance requirements<br>• Deliver regular reports and pipeline updates to internal stakeholders, including success metrics and sourcing challenges. Human Resources Manager <p>Are you an experienced and motivated Human Resources professional ready to take on a leadership role? We are seeking a Human Resources Manager to join a dynamic organization in the manufacturing industry. This position offers the opportunity to shape Human Resources strategies, foster a positive workplace culture, and support the company's growth and success.</p><p><br></p><p>As a member of the Senior Leadership Team, you will have a key role in driving business objectives while developing your business, financial, and strategic skills. Reporting to the President and overseeing a team of 3 direct reports, the Human Resources Manager will lead and manage all aspects of human resources, including strategic alignment, employee lifecycle management, health and safety, and organizational development.</p><p><br></p><p>Key Responsibilities:</p><p>• Develop and implement Human Resources strategies aligned with business goals.</p><p>• Lead and manage the yearly strategic alignment for the organization.</p><p>• Oversee the full employee lifecycle: recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and offboarding.</p><p>• Lead and manage health and safety initiatives, programs, and policies.</p><p>• Oversee competitive compensation and benefits programs to attract and retain top talent.</p><p>• Provide guidance on employee relations, conflict resolution, and disciplinary actions.</p><p>• Collaborate with department heads to identify workforce needs and staffing plans.</p><p>• Manage and enhance employee training and development programs.</p><p>• Ensure compliance with employment laws, WorkSafe policies, and industry regulations.</p><p>• Promote diversity, inclusion, and innovation within the organization.</p><p>• Continuously improve Human Resources processes and contribute to organizational success.</p><p><br></p> Associé principal - Recrutement <p>Notre client est à la recherche d’un Associé principal pour rejoindre son équipe basée à Québec. En tant que Associé principal, vous jouerez un rôle crucial dans le développement de notre base de clients et la promotion de nos services.</p><p> </p><p>Responsabilités:</p><p>Faire la promotion de nos services par des rencontres en personne, par téléphone ou virtuelles avec des clients nouveaux ou existants de façon à élargir l'utilisation de ces services;</p><p>Participer aux associations commerciales de l'industrie afin d'augmenter notre présence dans la communauté financière et comptable locale.</p><p> </p> Total Rewards Specialist <p>Robert Half is seeking a Total Rewards Specialist for our Downtown client within the mining industry. The ideal candidate will be someone who is proactive, experienced, a keen collaborative and someone who is hands on.</p><p><br></p><p>The Total Rewards Specialist will play a critical role in designing, implementing, and managing comprehensive compensation and benefits programs that attract, retain, and motivate talent. Reporting directly to the manager this position will ensure that our total rewards strategy aligns with the organization's goals and complies with legal and regulatory requirements. Responsibilities will be in the areas of total rewards, generating reporting and analysing data, employee communication as well as contributing to the overall HR team.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> Payroll Analyst <p>We are in search of an experienced and detailed-driven Payroll Analyst to join one of our leading clients on a full time permanent basis. This role is responsible for payroll processing, enhancing existing processes, and contributing to a culture of innovation and collaboration. The ideal candidate will possess advanced knowledge of payroll systems, compliance requirements, and strategies for process improvement.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Primary Responsibilities:</strong></p><p> </p><ul><li>Evaluate and analyze existing payroll procedures to identify inefficiencies or areas of improvement</li><li>Implement enhanced workflows and operational strategies that improve accuracy, compliance, and efficiency</li><li>Collaborate with Human Resources, Finance, and other departments to address and resolve payroll-related issues</li><li>Identify and resolve processing challenges while implementing effective solutions</li><li>Partner with Human Resources to maintain and update employee records ensuring payroll and HR integration</li><li>Prepare and process weekly payroll for both salaried and hourly employees across multiple entities</li><li>Process new hires, terminations, and payroll adjustments, ensuring alignment with collective bargaining agreement</li><li>Assist in the preparation of year-end reports, and facilitate the filing of all annual returns with the appropriate federal/provincial governments</li><li>Uphold the confidentiality of all employee records.</li></ul><p><br></p> HR Director <p>Robert Half is seeking an experienced and strategic HR Director based in Niagara, ON. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in HR management, talent development, employee relations, and compliance with employment laws in Ontario. This role will be responsible for developing and executing HR strategies that align with business objectives and enhance company culture. This is a full-time (FULLY ONSITE) permanent position. </p><p><br></p><p>Responsibilities:</p><p>• Lead the formulation and implementation of HR strategies and initiatives that are in alignment with the company's overall business goals.</p><p>• Provide leadership, guidance, and mentorship to the HR team ensuring effective HR service delivery across all Divisions, Departments, and Business Units.</p><p>• Spearhead recruitment and talent acquisition strategies to attract top-tier talent and meet staffing requirements.</p><p>• Develop key performance indicators for the organization’s human resource and talent management functions, including metrics that track hiring and retention success.</p><p>• Oversee the management of employee relations issues, ensuring fair, consistent, and legally compliant resolution.</p><p>• Act as a trusted advisor to management on matters related to employee morale, workplace culture, and retention strategies.</p><p>• Lead and conduct thorough investigations into harassment, discrimination, and other employee disputes in accordance with company policies and legal requirements.</p><p>• Advise management on appropriate disciplinary actions and conflict resolution strategies to promote and maintain a harmonious work environment.</p><p>• Develop a succession planning strategy for the organization, ensuring an effective framework for long-term employee growth and development.</p><p>• Actively promote a positive work environment through employee engagement initiatives, recognition programs, and employee surveys.</p> Program Specialist, Benefits and Pension <p>Our highly respected and well recognized client is on the hunt for a Program Specialist, Benefits and Pension to join their team located in Ottawa, Ontario. Serving as a key player in our finance department, you will be responsible for designing, implementing, and evaluating our benefits, pension, and retirement programs. As a subject-matter expert in these areas, you will provide advice, guidance, and recommendations to ensure program success. This role also includes collaborating with various teams and liaising with external partners.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Responsibilities: </strong></p><ul><li>Design, develop, and implement benefits, pension, and retirement programs</li><li>Act as a subject-matter expert, providing advice and guidance on program success</li><li>Research and analyze relevant information and legislation to support program development and maintenance</li><li>Liaise with insurance providers, consultants, service providers, and government departments to implement and maintain quality total rewards offerings</li><li>Collaborate with Human Resources teams and Corporate Health and Safety teams</li><li>Research industry trends and best practices, developing creative solutions to complex matters</li><li>Ensure a focus on collaboration and the quality and timeliness of deliverable</li><li>Oversee the preparation of monthly benefits billing</li><li>Prepare and analyze monthly, quarterly, annual and ad-hoc reports</li><li>Handle customer credit applications accurately and efficiently</li><li>Maintain accurate customer credit records</li></ul> Contract Administrator (Loans) We are offering a short term contract employment opportunity for a Contract Administrator (Loans) in Markham, Ontario. This role is based in the automotive industry and will involve processing lease and loan contracts, verifying incoming documents, and resolving contract discrepancies. You will be expected to communicate effectively with dealers and ensure all contract terms and numbers are accurate.<br><br>Responsibilities<br>• Accurately process and administer auto loans and lease contracts<br>• Verify and input data from incoming documents, ensuring thoroughness and accuracy<br>• Match and verify terms and numbers on contracts, correcting any discrepancies<br>• Identify and resolve contract discrepancies through effective verbal and written communication with dealers<br>• Utilize accounting software systems to maintain accurate records and perform accounting functions<br>• Use Adobe Acrobat and Bluebeam Revu for document management and review<br>• Use ADP - Financial Services and Dcs for financial management<br>• Conduct loan reviews and manage loan agreements<br>• Perform auditing tasks and adhere to budget processes<br>• Handle any other duties as required in the context of contract administration. Payroll and Benefits Specialist <p>Our client, a prestigious family-owned enterprise, recognized worldwide for their premium products, is seeking a Payroll and Benefits Specialist to join their dedicated team. With a family-centric culture that emphasizes integrity and sustainability, our client is an industry leader with over $100 million in annual revenue and a long standing reputation across North America.</p><p>Position: Full-time (40 hours/week from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM PST)</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Reasons to Join:</strong></p><p><br></p><ul><li>Stability: The company stands strong with multi-generational roots and a 10+ year manager who will support your journey.</li><li>Autonomy: Take charge of end-to-end payroll and benefits administration subject to minimal supervision.</li><li>Community: Thrive in a relaxed, open-door environment and collaborate with HR, Finance, Operations, and Payroll teams.</li></ul><p><strong>Primary Responsibilities:</strong></p><p><br></p><p>·      Payroll Administration: Handle the bi-weekly payroll for 300+ employees using ADP Workforce Now (WFN). Ensure proper data management, manage the employment lifecycle whilst maintaining focus on security and accuracy.</p><p>·      Benefits Administration: Oversee strong relationships with benefits providers, reconcile statements, and manage enrollments and remittances.</p><p>·      Financial and Compliance: Master period-end entries, compliance with local tax provisions, work with auditors and ensure proper documentation.</p><p>·      HR Responsibilities: Uphold data integrity and process full cycle payroll including undertaking ROE’s, journal entries, etc. Ensure compliance with Provincial legislation, maintain employee records and coordinate external training.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Position Compensation:</strong></p><p><br></p><ul><li>Annual Salary: $65-80K, based on experience level</li><li>Benefits: Full coverage available </li><li>Vacation: As per the company's policy</li><li>Bonus: Performance-based initiatives </li><li>RRSP: Up to 5% company match </li><li>Education support: Funding for relevant courses in payroll</li></ul><p><br></p> Payroll Analyst We are offering an exciting opportunity for a Payroll Analyst to join our team in Toronto, Ontario. In this role, you will be responsible for executing full cycle payroll operations in a high-volume environment, providing support to the payroll team, and handling confidential information professionally. <br><br>Responsibilities:<br>• Efficiently handle full cycle payroll processing utilizing Workday<br>• Maintain precise records related to payroll, tax, pension plan, EHT, and WSIB<br>• Assist in the daily tasks of the Payroll team, including mass uploads, payroll runs, and ad hoc report requests<br>• Aid in the preparation of yearly T4s, T4As, and year-end slips for employees<br>• Participate in special payroll assignments when needed<br>• Maintain attention to detail and accuracy while processing a high volume of data<br>• Utilize advanced Microsoft Excel skills to perform job duties<br>• Identify, investigate, and swiftly resolve pay-related issues<br>• Communicate professionally in all situations, providing excellent customer service<br>• Demonstrate reliability and a strong work ethic, capable of working independently in a time-sensitive environment<br>• Utilize experience with in-house payroll systems, such as Workday and GoldCare, to perform job duties.