Hybrid work models and flexible work arrangements can differentiate your company from competitors when it comes to attracting and recruiting top talent. The fact is that professionals have come to expect some type of hybrid work or flexible schedule arrangement from employers in today’s workplace. In a recent Robert Half report Examining the Multigenerational Workforce, baby boomers, Gen X, millennials, and Gen Z say flexibility in when and where they work is among the top considerations when looking for work. After three years of remote work post-pandemic, a return to 9-to-5 office culture is simply impossible to achieve. As companies continue to adapt their workplace, a few advantages to a hybrid work model that go beyond the setting should be considered: It significantly reduces (in some cases eliminates) the expense of and time spent commuting. Morale and overall work-life balance improves. Productivity increases. It helps with the cost of living for employees if they work in areas that are more affordable than where their company is located. ACCESS THE FULL REPORT TO LEARN MORE.   It is more complex than just asking staff to return to the office vs working from home. The main benefit of a hybrid work model or flexible workplace is that it optimizes the needs for both remote and in-office work. No generation wants to be fully remote or fully in-office and everyone sees benefits and perks to both situations. Employee Perceptions on Hybrid Work: 58% of Gen Z concerned about visibility for opportunities and promotions when not working in the office. 35% of workers say flexibility in when and where they work influences whether they accept a job offer. 25% of workers would take a pay cut to work remotely full time. 23% of workers want to see people return to the office more frequently. Source: Robert Half survey conducted in April 2023, January 2023 and November 2022 of 592, 500, 1122 workers, respectively.   How can flexibility in the workplace be leveraged? For employers, offering hybrid work options is another way to make your company more competitive and attractive in the hiring market. In another article published by Robert Half Canada titled, Why the Hybrid Work Model May Be the Best Choice for Your Organization, we share data and insights into just how hybrid work affects both employers and employees. No matter which generation you are a part of, a flexible workplace has some real benefits for everyone concerned because you are a part of a work culture. Workplace flexibility also gives hiring managers access to a wider talent pool by reaching candidates in other geographies – searching outside the immediate radius of the office. A hybrid workplace can be ideal as it creates opportunities for your staff to return to the office for collaborative events. It can help companies build a stronger more responsive culture by providing options that did not exist pre-pandemic for employees. Working on-site in some capacity, can also be especially valuable for new employees. They can connect in-person with colleagues and managers, and it can help them acclimate to the business more quickly. Download the Multigenerational Workforce report today and implement changes that target a hybrid work model with flexibility so you can meet employees of any generation’s expectations.