Any job seeker knows that it’s hard — and sometimes darn near impossible — to get a hiring manager’s attention. So some candidates infuse their resumes and cover letters with humor, unexpected analogies, and cute and clever language in an effort to stand out. But will a clever resume really give you an advantage? Probably not. If fact, it could harm your chances of being called for a job interview.
One big reason is that wordplay and humor don’t always translate over paper (or via typed words on a computer screen). You may think you’ve written a clever resume, but your wit and charm could be completely lost on the employer. Rather than trying to craft a clever resume, create a straightforward resume that clearly articulates your skills and experience. Save the snappy statements for another time.
The following job seekers were a little too clever for their own good:
COVER LETTER: “I learned everything I know from being thrown to the gators with pork chops tied around my neck.”
Lunch hour is a bit less exciting here.
COVER LETTER: “Sometimes referred to as a ‘Swiss Army Knife,’ I am skilled in accomplishing most any task.”
No doubt a sharp applicant.
“OBJECTIVE: Work to learn, not to earn, and earn from what is learned.”
The Benjamin Franklin of resume writers.
“EXPERIENCE: I eat computers for lunch.”
You might be “byting” off more than you can chew.
“OBJECTIVE: To reach the top of the ladder, where the rungs will be the meek and the mild.”
Spoken like a true corporate climber.
COVER LETTER: “I bring a fresh passion to any position. My interest in this job is like that of an adventurer who explores his work in a new territory.”
A modern-day Christopher Columbus.