Are you about to graduate from college? Congrats!
Now get to work on fine-tuning your resume.
The resume remains the centerpiece of your job-search toolkit, and a carefully crafted one can help you stand out among your fellow new grads heading out on their career paths. Before you apply for your first job, ask yourself these three key questions:
1. Is my resume clear, concise and free of typos?
2. Have I documented all the relevant real-world skills I’ve gained through internships, part-time jobs, volunteering and extracurricular activities?
3. Did I organize and format my information for easy readability?
The following entry-level job candidates didn’t make great first impressions:
“SUMMARY: Proud member of the Class of ____.”
Don’t forget to fill in the blank!
“EDUCATION: Studied public rations.”
Must be a new major.
“OBJECTIVE: To get an opportunity to proof what I know.”
Step one: Proof your resume.
“EXPERIENCE: No professional experience, but I have paid my do’s.”
Poor attention to detail is a definite don’t.
“EDUCATION: Bachelor’s degree in film. Not the wisest investment I’ve made in my life, but I had four fun years.”
Well, as long as you had a good time …
“EDUCATION: Bachelorette degree in human resource management.”
You couldn’t manage to edit?
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