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In today’s business world, data is fast becoming the key to making better strategic decisions and allowing companies to enhance connections with customers.

However, with the rapid growth of the data industry in Singapore and the need for data to be managed and interpreted, more and more companies are in need of skilled professionals who know how to translate raw data and extract valuable information.

Consequently, the role of the Data Scientist in Singapore is growing in importance. According to the Robert Half Salary Guide, data scientists are now one of the top five in-demand hiring roles in Singapore.

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And because of such market conditions, companies are under mounting pressures to offer an attractive Data Scientist salary in Singapore to draw in-demand talent.

Is Singapore good for data science jobs?

The data industry in Singapore has seen a rapid evolution in recent years, including:

So, what is driving the demand?

As Singapore becomes more and more data-driven, data becomes valuable for those with the talent to apply such knowledge to practical business use.

While the availability of data is growing exponentially, the challenge for businesses is to extract meaningful value and insight from the wealth of information, and translate it into informed business decisions.

Business intelligence is used to inform decisions about everything from new product development, to marketing campaigns, to supply chain design.

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Companies in Singapore are also relying on these insights to help them improve cyber-security, employee retention, recruitment and productivity, customer service and engagement, and much more.

Data expertise is also highly sought-after with companies re-imagining their business processes. They are increasingly turning to data to identify ways for their organisation to eliminate inefficiencies while using data visualization tools for reporting and planning purposes.

This is where the Data Scientist comes in. Singaporean businesses need people with knowledge of statistics and modelling to unlock the value of complex, unprocessed data from an array of sources. Those sources can include everything from machine log data, digital media and documents, databases, the web, and social media channels.

Suriani Norahim, Division Director at Robert Half Singapore explains why Data Scientists are so highly sought-after, based on her 15 years in recruitment.

"Data scientists are in demand because they possess the skills and expertise to extract valuable insights from data, which can drive better decision-making, improved efficiency, and innovation within businesses. In today's data-driven world, companies that leverage data effectively are more likely to succeed and stay competitive in their respective industries."

Suriani has supported hundreds of professionals finding their next exciting careers, developing their skills and facilitating the growth of businesses. She provides a list of reasons as to why Data Scientists are in demand in Singapore:

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Data scientists help businesses make informed decisions by analyzing large volumes of data. They use statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms to uncover insights, patterns, and trends that can inform strategic choices, product development, marketing campaigns, and more.
  • Improved Efficiency: Data scientists can identify areas where businesses can improve operational efficiency. By analyzing data, they can find bottlenecks, optimize processes, and reduce waste, leading to cost savings and improved resource allocation.
  • Fraud Detection and Risk Management: Data scientists develop models and algorithms to detect fraudulent activities and assess risks. In industries like finance and e-commerce, this helps prevent financial losses and protect customers from fraud.
  • Forecasting and Planning: Businesses rely on data scientists to develop forecasting models that predict future trends and demand. These predictions are vital for inventory management, workforce planning, and budgeting.
  • Product Development: Data scientists can help businesses improve existing products or develop new ones by analyzing customer feedback, market trends, and user behavior data. This can lead to more successful product launches and increased market share.
  • Competitive Advantage: Companies that harness the power of data effectively gain a competitive edge. Data-driven insights can uncover opportunities that competitors might miss and help businesses adapt to changing market conditions quickly.
  • Marketing Optimization: Data scientists use data to optimize marketing efforts. They can identify the most effective marketing channels, create targeted ad campaigns, and measure their impact, leading to better return on investment (ROI).

The ability to perform the skills above gives candidates the advantage for reaching the top salary band for a data scientist in Singapore.

What companies are looking for

Because data-driven business intelligence can be used in so many ways, Singaporean companies are on the hunt for data scientists who have strong business acumen, alongside the expected technical skills and qualifications needed.

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Communication abilities and other soft skills are also paramount for today’s Data Scientist, who will be expected to deduct and communicate data results to senior management in a cohesive manner, exploring risks, trends and opportunities that the business should monitor or act on.

Data scientists are often expected to describe their analysis in writing or present their findings directly to business teams.

Data Scientist salary in Singapore

According to the Robert Half Salary Guide, a Data Scientist salary in Singapore can range between S$90,000 and S$200,000 depending on the role, your qualifications, and your level of experience.