Searching for a new job can be a stressful time for anyone. When we combine this with the fact that the world of work has been turned upside down in recent months, and this is starting to impact the employment market, this can be unsettling.

Finding a job during and post the current crisis will look different, as businesses adapt their recruitment cycles. There will likely be more people looking for work and applying to the same jobs so it will be more important than ever to ensure your CV stands out from the crowd.

Webinar: Securing a role in uncertain times

At Robert Half, we are committed to helping people find the right role. We want to help jobseekers feel confident as they adapt their job search to the new world of work. Victoria Sprott, International Talent Director of Robert Half, who has over 24 years’ experience recruiting and training, will provide practical insights in a 30-min webinar on:

  • The changes we are seeing and expect to see in the job market
  • Refreshing your CV to get noticed
  • How to adapt your interviewing techniques to make the best virtual impression
  • Tactics to differentiate yourself in a competitive market

12 tips for finding a job in the current climate

As you move past the initial shock of unexpectedly losing your job. If you are looking for a job right now, here are a few tips to give you best chance of getting hired:

1. Set yourself SMART goals

Keep your job search focused and positive. Regularly reviewing your goals daily and weekly will give you a sense of progress.

2. Update your CV and cover letter

Ensure you accurately reflect your skills and achievements and the potential you have to offer an employer. Don’t forget to tailor it for each role you apply for.

3. Don’t undervalue your soft-skills

Flexibility, adaptability, self-motivation, innovation and positivity particularly during time of uncertainty can be a real advantage.

4. Make sure that your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date

Ensure that your Linkedin profile accurately reflect your CV to maximise your chances of getting noticed.

5. Consider your network

While on LinkedIn, consider who in your network you might be able to approach who can support your job search. Are there any specific companies or target industries your skillsets would be valuable to right now?

6. Develop your skills

Set aside time to update or expand your skillsets. Think about how could diversify your career by adding to your current skills.

Related: Here at Robert Half we want to help you stay competitive in today's career environment, that's why we offer our candidates free access to e-Learning, our programme of online training courses.

7. Temporary or contract roles

Consider widening your search to include temporary on contract roles as this can improve your opportunities of securing a role.

8. Work with a recruitment professional

Upload your CV to recruitment sites, where consultants will review your qualifications and experience, then match you to relevant, open positions.

9. Spend some time researching the company

Review the company website, if they have released any new solutions, their social media channels as well as their financial reports for insights into the goals and mission of the business.

10. Start practising your video job interview techniques now

Find a well-lit space and dress professionally as if you were going to an in-person interview. Pay close attention to your facial expression, tone of voice and body language to effectively build a rapport with the hiring manager.

11. Preparing for the job interview

Prepare your answers for common interview questions and use the STAR method for answering competency-based interview questions.

12. End the interview on a high with a strong close

Make sure that you have interview questions prepared for the hiring manager and reinforce your interest for the role, and why you think you would be a good fit. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback straight after the interview as well.

Many companies are already adapting their business models and innovative companies will emerge through this period of change. Companies are recruiting for roles every day, and candidates are finding new opportunities as a result.

Learn from Robert Half’s expert recruiters so you can build a talented team of employees or advance your career. Operating in over 300 locations worldwide and as one of the premier recruitment agencies in Singapore, Robert Half can provide you with assistance where and when you need it.