2. Interim or project resources are less dedicated and motivated
The fact that specialist contractors or consultants are not looking for a permanent job doesn’t mean they are less committed to helping your enterprise achieve its long-term goals.
They are often extremely dedicated to the success of the project or organisation they are working for, precisely because they are only working on a project for a set period.
As experienced professionals, we find our specialist contractors understand more than anyone the importance of delivering results in highly complex situations. This makes them highly motivated to achieve targets.
More than anything, interim or project resources act like a consultant in your business bringing a fresh pair of eyes and new ideas to challenges. They understand that adding value and making an impact are part of the role.
They appreciate that their personal reputation and future opportunities depend on their performance. That is why we find that they go to such great lengths for the company they are currently working for.
4. Interim or project resources don’t take the time to understand company culture
Due to the fixed-term nature of their assignments and the flexibility and variety that specialist contractors are looking for, it is true that these individuals choose not to stay in one company for years at a time. However, that doesn’t mean they pay no attention to company culture.
Robert Half’s subsidiary Protiviti, a leader in change management and digitisation projects, has shown that specialist contractors, like business management consultants, are acutely aware of the importance of the role company culture – and employee engagement - plays in today’s successful project implementations.
In fact, we have heard many interim professionals would not be willing to accept an assignment in a company known for poor company culture and controversial social impact.
For today’s professional contractors, the values of an organisation pave the way to good communication and collaboration. They can respond more intuitively to the organisation’s needs and for many, this further increases their engagement.