The 7 Things You Should Do After Accepting a Job Offer

Salaries and Roles Salary and hiring trends Career Tips Career development Article
Hard work has paid off. You landed the new position at the new company, after a round of interviews. You got the call, you negotiated salary, and you accepted the job offer. Congratulations! Now, what’s next? Don’t worry, Robert Half Canada has put together seven steps you should take before your first day at your job with a new employer. 1. Write your job acceptance letter You accepted verbally but you also want to put it in writing. Whether you send an email or a letter formally accepting a job offer, it’s important to restate the final offer details and express enthusiasm and appreciation for the opportunity. Ask if there’s anything needed from you prior to the start date. 2. Notify your boss that you’re accepting a job offer If you’re employed, tell your manager you have accepted a job offer and then agree on a termination date — two weeks is the standard notice. Submit a formal resignation letter, making sure to give one copy to your boss and another to human resources. You may get a counteroffer from your current employer that includes a higher salary or sweeter perks. Resist the temptation to accept. Remember all the reasons you looked for a new job in the first place. 3. Let other contenders know If you’ve been interviewing for positions with other employers, email them that you’ve accepted a job offer with another company. Don’t be that candidate who ghosts an employer during the hiring process. As you withdraw yourself from consideration, keep your sentiments positive and express appreciation – you never know when your paths will cross again and you never want to burn any bridges for the future. 4. Cultivate your network You’re headed for a new adventure, but you should keep nurturing the relationships you’ve built over the years. Your soon-to-be former boss and coworkers are important parts of your professional network. Add them as LinkedIn connections. Get their personal email addresses. Go out to lunch one last time. Who knows? You may find yourself working with them again. 5. Facilitate handovers It’s professional courtesy to help during the transition period as you prepare to leave your current role, either by training your replacement or writing detailed instructions for a future new hire. Leave your electronic and paper files in good order. Now is also a good time to give your desk a thorough decluttering and cleaning, making sure you don't leave behind anything personal. 6. Stay in touch with your new manager Your formal job acceptance letter should not be the last time your new boss hears from you before your first day on the job. If there’s silence during the weeks after you’ve accepted a job offer, don’t be shy about communicating first. Ask how you can prepare for the first day, if there's any paperwork you need to fill out, where and when to report, and if there will be an orientation. Showing you aren’t afraid to reach out reinforces to the hiring manager that they made a good decision with you. 7. Leave on a high note There’s much to do after accepting a job offer, so don’t coast during your final two weeks at your workplace. Finish strong and display a positive attitude. Thank any colleagues who helped you learn and grow professionally in the job. Make the most of this time to create a smooth transition as you prepare for the next exciting chapter of your career. Have you changed your mind about accepting a job offer? Do you want to continue your search? Let Robert Half Canada recruiters help!