How long should you wait before following up on a job application?
In some cases, knowing when and how to follow up on a job application can be just as important as knowing how to apply for a job in the first place. There are ways to let the employer know you are truly interested in the role you applied for without seeming impatient or annoying the person to whom you direct your communication.
In addition to getting any specific information you want when following up on your application, the goal is to reinforce your initial expression of interest in the job in a polite, professional manner.
Send your follow-up email or make the phone call no sooner than a few days after applying for the position. Once you do follow up on the application, give the hiring manager or recruiter at least one full business day to respond, but keep in mind the response may not be forthcoming right away. Patience is part of the equation when it comes to applying for a job.
In addition to painting you as impatient, too much follow-up on your part can be seen as revealing the larger issue of poor communication skills. And yes, it will annoy the recipient to boot.
How do you politely follow up on an application?
When considering how to follow up on a job application in a polite way, begin by knowing your objective. That can range from asking if you are still under consideration to finding out if the role has been filled, among other things. If you have a clear picture of what you want to know, you’ll be less likely to waste anyone's time.
If the hiring manager can readily see your motive for following up is related to enthusiasm for the role, that leaves an entirely different impression than a tone that could be perceived as impatient or impolite. No matter how long you wait to follow up on an application, a respectful approach can make the entire process easier for everyone involved.
One thing that can help is coming across as calm and confident. This often easier said than done, of course, but it helps to consciously cultivate this state of mind before following up. If you really feel calm and confident while taking a polite approach to your inquiry, then that’s how you’ll come across.
No matter who you are contacting about your job application status, whether it’s sending a follow-up email or using the phone, handling the communication in a professional, respectful way can only increase your chances of landing the job.
In all cases, state only the necessary background information about your initial application (such as your name, the job you are applying for and the date you submitted the application) before asking your primary question. This is not the time to reiterate information you provided in the resume or cover letter. Before signing off or ending the call, thank the recipient for their time.
When do you follow up because of new developments?
If you are interviewing for other jobs or are lucky enough to have a job offer in hand, that’s a good reason to let the employer know of your change in status. If you are still interested in the job in this type of situation, your goal is not to give the hiring manager an ultimatum but to encourage them to arrange an interview sooner rather than later.
Another development you would want to convey is no longer being interested in the position. This can be handled by email unless you’ve been specific instructions to communicate by phone.