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    1 result for Project Manager Sdlc Implementation in Tokyo, Tōkyō

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    Company Profile

    • A European headquartered financial services company with a rich history and strong presence in Japan.

    The Role

    • You will be leading 5-7 projects simultaneously of varying duration (anything from 3 months - 2 years is typical), primarily focusing on system implementation.
    • Whilst the role is mostly dealing with internal stakeholders, around 20% of your time will be spent directly with customers.
    • You'll have the chance to work with multinational stakeholders (the internal PM team is very diverse), Japanese customers, and offshore development teams.
    • You can also expect to spend around 10% of your time on non-IT related projects; working on improving business processes for the Japan region, so it's an opportunity to get exposure to a range of tasks.

    Your Skills

    • Fluent Japanese and Business level English are a must for this role as you'll work with Japanese customers and international stakeholders alike.
    • This role would suit an applications-focused PM who has at least a basic understanding of IT infrastructure (but you do not need to be an expert in this area).
    • Candidates from any industry are welcome, though knowledge of the financial services sector would be a plus.




    10 - 12 million yen

    Selling points

    • Hybrid work style - only one day a week in the office.
    • Join a multicultural and multilingual internal project management team (the manager is the only Japanese person on this particular team).
    • Work on a wide range of tasks, giving you exposure to areas such as process improvement/transformation that IT roles typically do not allow for.
    • Join a stable multinational company who are one of the key players in their industry in Japan and have a strong history here. You'll be working for a brand that has global recognition.

    Reference Number: 06940-0013120136

    By clicking 'apply', you give your express consent that Robert Half may use your personal information to process your job application and to contact you from time to time for future employment opportunities. For further information on how Robert Half processes your personal information and how to access and correct your information, please read the Robert Half privacy notice https://www.roberthalf.com/jp/en/privacy. Please do not submit any sensitive personal data to us in your resume (such as such as race, beliefs, social status, medical history or criminal record) as we do not collect your sensitive personal data at this time.



    Project Manager Sdlc Implementation Jobs in Tokyo

    IT Project Manager - System Implementation <p><strong>Company Profile</strong></p><ul><li>A European headquartered financial services company with a rich history and strong presence in Japan.</li></ul><p><strong>The Role</strong></p><ul><li>You will be leading 5-7 projects simultaneously of varying duration (anything from 3 months - 2 years is typical), primarily focusing on system implementation.</li><li>Whilst the role is mostly dealing with internal stakeholders, around 20% of your time will be spent directly with customers.</li><li>You'll have the chance to work with multinational stakeholders (the internal PM team is very diverse), Japanese customers, and offshore development teams.</li><li>You can also expect to spend around 10% of your time on non-IT related projects; working on improving business processes for the Japan region, so it's an opportunity to get exposure to a range of tasks.</li></ul><p><strong>Your Skills </strong></p><ul><li>Fluent Japanese and Business level English are a must for this role as you'll work with Japanese customers and international stakeholders alike.</li><li>This role would suit an applications-focused PM who has at least a basic understanding of IT infrastructure (but you do not need to be an expert in this area).</li><li>Candidates from any industry are welcome, though knowledge of the financial services sector would be a plus.</li></ul><p><strong>Location </strong></p><p>Tokyo</p><p><strong>Salary</strong></p><p>10 - 12 million yen</p><p><strong>Selling points</strong></p><ul><li>Hybrid work style - only one day a week in the office.</li><li>Join a multicultural and multilingual internal project management team (the manager is the only Japanese person on this particular team).</li><li>Work on a wide range of tasks, giving you exposure to areas such as process improvement/transformation that IT roles typically do not allow for.</li><li>Join a stable multinational company who are one of the key players in their industry in Japan and have a strong history here. You'll be working for a brand that has global recognition.</li></ul><p>Reference Number: 06940-0013120136</p><p><em>By clicking 'apply', you give your express consent that Robert Half may use your personal information to process your job application and to contact you from time to time for future employment opportunities. For further information on how Robert Half processes your personal information and how to access and correct your information, please read the Robert Half privacy notice <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/jp/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/jp/en/privacy</a>. Please do not submit any sensitive personal data to us in your resume (such as such as race, beliefs, social status, medical history or criminal record) as we do not collect your sensitive personal data at this time.</em></p><hr /><p>お客様が「今すぐ応募」ボタンをクリックすることにより、ロバート・ハーフ(以下、当社)がお客様の応募内容を処理し、求人情報を今後随時ご連絡する目的で個人情報を使用することに明示的に同意ただいたこととなります。当社による個人情報の処理方法、またお客様自身の個人情報へのアクセスおよびその訂正に関する詳細については、プライバシー規約(<a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/jp/ja/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/jp/ja/privacy</a>)をお読みください。当社は、要配慮個人情報はお預かりしておりませんので人種、信条、社会的身分、病歴、犯罪の経歴など、取扱いに特に配慮を要する個人情報は、ご提出いただく職務経歴書・レジュメ等に含めないようお願いいたします。</p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/VWJoaS5TYW5kZWVwLjEyNTA5LjEwODk4QHJoaWpwLmFwbGl0cmFrLmNvbQ.gif">