Receiving an offer of a new job can be tremendously exciting, but there’s plenty to weigh up and lots to do.

Knowing how to prepare for a new job can make the transition easier and give you a strong head start from day one if you accept the offer. Explore the tips below from one of the top recruitment agencies in Japan.

Understand how to prepare for a new job

Receiving an offer of a new job often brings a mix of emotions from elation and relief to nerves about starting afresh with a new employer. You may even have tinges of uncertainty about whether the role really is right for you.

While all these feelings are quite understandable, a critical first step is to be confident that you are making the right career move. Here are a few ways to review your potential new job prospects:

How to accept a job offer by phone or email

It’s hard work finding a new job, but you’ve finally received an offer. It’s now time to decide whether or not you’ll accept and begin a new chapter in a brand new role.

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How to decline a job offer politely

There are many reasons for why you may want to turn down a job offer, but now you need to actually do it. How can you do this without burning bridges?

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How to make an impression on your first day at the job

Your first day at a new job can be intimidating. It’s not easy to begin somewhere new with a new team of people, particularly when trying to begin building your reputation.

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How to respond if an employer extends your probation period

You’ve reached the end of your trial period at work when your boss informs you they have decided to extend your probationary period.

Find out what you can do next >

What happens from a job offer to entering a company

You’ve made it successfully through the job interview and you’ve received an offer.

Find out what your next steps are >

How to write a thank you letter for being offered a job

Regardless of whether you decide to accept or decline the job, the polite next step should include a thank you letter.

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How to tell a potential job offer that you are undecided

It can be exciting to receive a job offer, but it can also feel overwhelming. It’s not always obvious whether or not accepting this new job is a good decision, and sometimes you just need more time to consider your options.

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How to change your mind after declining a job offer

Looking for a new job can be stressful for candidates, and it can be easy to make an impulsive decision under such pressure. Considering the circumstances, is it ever possible to change your mind if you’ve declined a job offer?

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How to avoid your job offer being retracted

Just as you start to celebrate your new job, the offer is retracted. Did you do something that unknowingly put your job at risk?

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How to write a nengajo to your company for your job offer

As the new year approaches, it’s time to begin preparing your nengajo.

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Why you should never accept a counter offer

As flattering as a counter offer may be, it won’t change the factors that saw you look for opportunities elsewhere. It could only be a matter of time before you start looking around again.

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