The following points describe how you can find a new job in eight steps.

1. Treat the job application process as a job in its own right

Finding the ideal role usually takes more time than expected.

  • For this reason, you should set aside fixed times for your job search (such as every evening after work).
  • If you are not currently employed, make looking for a role your new "full-time job".

2. Concentrate on the essential job criteria

  • Prepare a list of your five most important job criteria. This includes not only the scope of your professional duties and responsibilities, but also 'soft' topics such as time for your family or volunteer activities.
  • Also take your specific capabilities into account, along with the associated performance profile.
  • Assess job advertisements specifically for their compatibility with your personal objectives, suitability and experience. In this way, you automatically focus your search on positions that will not only enable you to earn a living, but also give you new sources of satisfaction in your daily work.

3. Prepare a convincing job application

  • Describe your career and your achievements in convincing terms.
  • For example, if you have completed a project under budget, describe the difference between the planned figures and the actual figures clearly and distinctly. This will impress your potential employer.
  • In your letter, focus specifically on the main requirements stated in the job advertisement.
  • However, beware of overestimating yourself. For instance, do not claim to be an expert user of Excel if you are only familiar with its basic features.
  • Your CV should also make a professional impression in terms of appearance.
  • Careful editing and the use of font styles and sizes that are easy to read are a basic requirement.
  • Hard-copy letters are best printed on beige or white paper. In case of e-mail attachments, it is advisable to send your job application documents as PDF files to avoid corruption of the formatting.

4. Be realistic in your assessment of the current market situation

  • Estimate the demand for your capabilities in the current labour market as realistically as possible.
  • Advertisements for open positions corresponding to your profile provide a good point of reference for this.
  • Ask personnel managers and other experts in your field for their insider assessments of the current market situation.
  • Use job fairs to make contact with recruitment specialists who work for more than one company.
  • Presentations, courses and seminars also provide an opportunity to obtain useful information about your field.

5. Utilise all available sources


  • Job portals, company websites, recruitment service providers and job advertisements are outstanding sources of information for your job application.
  • More and more universities are helping their graduates look for jobs. This gives you an advantage relative to other applicants, and you should always use it.
  • Post your CV in job portal databases. Many personnel managers used these sites to learn about potential candidates.

6. Use your network

  • You can often obtain useful pointers towards new jobs from your social network. This includes your friends, family members, and former colleagues in university and at work.
  • Set yourself a weekly goal of contacting at least five or six people in this network who could give you advice and tips for your job search.

7. Use a notepad

  • Jot down brief notes about yourself, your career and other information on a notepad for quick reference during a phone conversation with someone in connection with your job search.
  • Prepare a list of relevant questions that will enable you to quickly determine whether the job actually matches your expectations.

8. Prepare thoroughly for your job interview

  • It always makes a good impression in a job interview if you know something about the company where you hope to work. You can find information on the internet, on the company website, and in newspaper archives.
  • Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the company. Based on this information, determine what contribution you could make to the success of the company. If you do not have enough information available for an analysis, you should ask suitable questions during the job interview. This also enables you to demonstrate sincere interest.
  • Prepare yourself for the usual standard questions asked in job interviews. Practice giving suitable answers until it becomes natural. But be careful: you must avoid giving the impression during the interview that you have memorised the answers.


When you are looking for a new job, you should always be just that decisive bit better than other applicants. Collecting information about your future employer, preparing application documents that make a professional impression, and careful preparation for the job interview are part of your path to success. This unquestionably requires perseverance, tenacity and dedication, but with the right tools and a bit of luck it will lead you to the dream job you want.