Supplier Code of Conduct

Robert Half Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively, “Robert Half” or the “Company”) were founded on the principle of Ethics First, and behaving with integrity remains a core value.  Integrity and our other enterprise values are deeply embedded into our culture and everything we do for our people, candidates, clients and the communities where we live and work.  All employees, agents and representatives must adhere to our company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, and we seek partnerships with Suppliers whose values and principles align with ours.   This Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”) outlines the requirements we have of our Suppliers in North America with whom we do business. A “Supplier” is defined as any individual or company, which includes their employees, agents, subcontractors, and representatives, that provides goods or services to Robert Half. Suppliers must comply with this Code of Conduct while conducting business with us or on our behalf.
Suppliers must respect and obey the laws, rules, and regulations of the cities, states, provinces, and countries in which they operate and conduct business, including but not limited to laws relating to anti-trust, fair competition, anti-corruption, and those governing labor and human rights. Robert Half expects our suppliers, to the extent applicable, to comply with our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
A “conflict of interest” exists when a person’s private interest interferes in any way with the interests of Robert Half. Suppliers must disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest due to either personal or business relationships with anyone, including but not limited to suppliers, business associates, competitors of Robert Half or Robert Half employees. Examples of a conflict of interest would be if an employee, officer, or director of Robert Half, or members of his or her family, receives improper personal benefits from a Supplier as a result of his or her position at Robert Half, or if an employee, officer, or director of Robert Half owns a Supplier of goods or services to Robert Half. Conflicts of interest are prohibited by Robert Half, except to the extent approved by the Board of Directors. Robert Half strictly prohibits any Supplier or their intermediary from giving any employee, officer, or director of Robert Half any cash gift, as well as any gift cards or other items redeemable for cash.
Suppliers are responsible for understanding and complying with the anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws applicable to their organization. Robert Half strictly prohibits corrupt or illegal practices including, but not limited to, the payment of bribes or kickbacks (or the receipt of bribes or kickbacks from) government officials, representatives of commercial organizations or any other person. Suppliers and representatives must refrain from “commercial bribery,” the furnishing of something of value to an employee of Robert Half without his or her supervisor’s or Robert Half’s knowledge, with the intent to inappropriately influence Robert Half’s commercial conduct.
Gifts from Suppliers may create a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. No gift or entertainment shall be offered to any Robert Half employee or representative unless it meets the following requirements: it is not a cash (or cash equivalent) gift it is consistent with customary business practices, it is not excessive in value, it cannot be construed as a bribe or payoff, or intended to improperly influence a decision, and it does not violate any laws or regulations. Suppliers shall never offer gifts to any employee, officer, or director of Robert Half, or members of his or her family to influence a business decision, transaction or service. No special discounts or rebates may be offered to Robert Half employees unless they are available to the public, or all Robert Half employees as part of a negotiated employee purchase program.
Suppliers or representatives who have access to Company’s confidential information are not permitted to use or share that information for stock trading purposes or for any other purpose except to fulfill its obligations under the agreement between Supplier and the Company. All non-public information about the Company is confidential. Information is considered non-public until it has been broadly disclosed to the marketplace by Company and the marketplace has had time to absorb the information. Using non-public information for personal financial benefit or providing such information to others who might make an investment decision on the basis of this information is strictly prohibited.
Suppliers shall maintain accurate and complete records created through ongoing business transactions with Robert Half. All such records must conform to applicable legal requirements and ensure proper compliance with their contractual obligations to Robert Half.
Suppliers shall maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted to them by the Company, its clients or employees. All non-public information about the Company is confidential.
Robert Half seeks to create and support a sustainable procurement function. As such, Robert Half requires our suppliers to comply with our Sustainable Procurement Policy.
Robert Half adopted a Global Human Rights Policy applicable to all of our Suppliers. That policy includes policies against discrimination and harassment, sexual harassment, and human trafficking, slavery, and child labor. Furthermore, the policy deals with topics such as freedom of association and collective bargaining, workplace health and safety, diversity and inclusion, and non-retaliation. As a condition to doing business with Robert Half, Suppliers must comply with the Global Human Rights Policy.
Robert Half is committed to conducting its business in an environmentally responsible manner. All Suppliers shall comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations and conduct business in a manner that protects the environment, conserves resources and ensures sustainable development. In addition, Suppliers shall use best efforts to meet or exceed any applicable industry standards related to environmental impact for the products and services they provide. Suppliers must comply with the Global Environmental Policy.
Compliance with this Supplier Code of Conduct is subject to an audit at the discretion of Robert Half. Failure to comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct may result in termination of current and/or the avoidance of future business relationships between Robert Half on the one hand and the Supplier and its affiliates on the other.
All Suppliers doing business with Robert Half must comply with this Code of Conduct. Any Supplier’s actions or activities that are determined to be in violation of this Code of Conduct may result in the exclusion of that Supplier and/or its representatives from working with Robert Half and termination of Robert Half’s relationship with that Supplier. To report an issue, you can also use the Robert Half Ethics and Compliance Online Reporting Tool at or the Ethics and Compliance Hotline Numbers below:   If calling from North America: 1.800.251.4621   If calling from outside North America, please use the appropriate number on Appendix A of the Robert Half Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.   Robert Half encourages Suppliers to also maintain their own online reporting and dedicated telephone lines for reporting to ethics and compliance. Robert Half also encourages Suppliers to obtain third party certification for compliance such as the International Standards Organization.   Suppliers may also direct any questions regarding this Code of Conduct, or report any concerns, to their primary contact at Robert Half. It is the policy of the Company not to allow retaliation for reports of misconduct by others made in good faith.